Actions in Unemployment Benefits

  • Review of the existing policy and regulatory frameworks in view of the introduction of an Unemployment Benefits scheme in Kenya

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    National Social Security Fund
    Type of Assistance
    Legislative & regulatory framework development
    Together with ILO, the National Social Security Fund of Kenya has been working in a set of policy and regulatory documents pertaining to the introduction of a unemployed benefits scheme. The resulting roadmap, actuarial study, legal gap analysis, legal drafting instructions, and draft bill and regulations constituted the framework of the peer-to-peer cooperation facilitated by SOCIEUX+. Policy discussions have mainly revolved around whether to adopt an unemployment insurance (UI) scheme or unemployment individual savings accounts (UISAs). At the end of the Action, experts from France, the Netherlands, and Sweden had helped the partner to review the existing policy and normative frameworks, setting the stage for the introduction of an unemployment benefits (UB) scheme, including its main components/design (benefit duration, benefit rate, contingency and persons covered, qualifying period, eligible reasons for job termination, waiting period, reference and insurable earnings, financing approach,…).