• Drafting guideline and legal documents for the Regulation and Supervision on Social Security Fund

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Economy and Finances
    Type of Assistance
    Legislative & regulatory framework development
    The Action has channeled knowledge to the staff of the Cambodia’s National Social Protection Committee (NSPC ) on the guiding principles inherent to investment policies, regulation and supervision of the social security system. This happened in a phase of passing legislation building the social security system governance in Cambodia, as well as its core rules of functioning. Mobilized experts from Finland and Lithuania accompanied the Partner’s reflection on the role of the NSPC as main regulator and supervisor of the social security system in Cambodia. In that purpose, regulatory texts have been jointly prepared, such as one settling the function of regulation and supervision of social security operator, the code of conduct for staff of the NSCP, the guidelines for policy disclosure, for e-audit and risk management within social security schemes, and investment guidelines. A study-visit to Finland was also implemented in the framework of the Action: the Cambodian delegation has been hosted by the University of Helsinki, the Finnish Pension Alliance, the Finnish Centre of Pensions, the Finance inspection, and the Social Insurance Institution.
Joint Survey on Public Employment Services during COVID-19

Joint Survey on Public Employment Services during COVID-19

Joint Survey on Public Employment Services during COVID-19 WAPES, together with the International Labour Organization (ILO), the European Commission, the Inter-American Development Bank, and SOCIEUX+, is launching a survey to assess the impact of COVID-19 on public...
SOCIEUX+ in Mexico

SOCIEUX+ in Mexico

Image courtesy of ISSSTECAM. SOCIEUX+ in Mexico:  launch of the new organisation ONIESS The launch of the National Organization of State Institutions of the Social Security in Mexico (ONIESS) was held on September 28th and 29th in Campeche, Mexico. The organisation,...
Visions from the field: SOCIEUX+ cooperation in Tanzania

Visions from the field: SOCIEUX+ cooperation in Tanzania

Photo courtesy of G.L.P. Visions from the field: SOCIEUX+ cooperation in Tanzania Today, the United Republic of Tanzania is a peaceful and populous state with ambitions to become a middle-income country in the next decade. Tanzania is one of the African countries...