• Management of funding proposals for income-generating activity grants

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    National Fund for Social Assistance [Fonds Nationale d'Aide Sociale (FNAS)]
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional Strengthening
    French experts accompanied by regional experts from Cameroon and Madagascar assessed the Income-generating Activities (AGRs) programme of the Fonds Nationale d'Aide Sociale (FNAS) of Gabon, as well as the capacity building needs of its staff. Strategic and technical support was provided to the elaboration of the FNAS’ plan of action for 2021, followed by a strategic orientation to the definition of corporate long-term objectives. The third activity focused on the formulation of a Logical Framework mirroring the three axes of the strategic orientation, namely: Governance, strategic approach and framework of actions; Financial capacity and autonomy; Development of operational modalities and FNAS procedures for AGRs. A final training clarified ways for FNAS staff to play a role in implementing the objectives and expected results of the new Logical Framework.
  • Support to the strengthening of social dialogue and to the extension of social protection in Togo

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry for Public Function, Labour and Administrative Reform [Ministère de la Function Publique du Travail et de la Réforme Administrative]
    Type of Assistance
    National events (awareness raising)
    The Ministry of Public Function, Labour, Administrative Reform and Social Protection of Togo requested SOCIEUX+ support to reshuffle the institutional framework for social dialogue, notably the role of the Conseil National pour le Dialogue social. Deepening the social dialogue is seen as part of an economic development strategy based on greater social cohesion and a fair allocation of the dividends of growth. Experts from Belgium and France have analyzed the current situation and provided methodological recommendations with a view to organising a round table aimed to renew and restart the institutional framework for social dialogue; to this purpose, experts have prepared an orientation note, a proposal of agenda, and supporting documentation.
  • Social Insurance: assistance in the development of the State agents pension system

    Start activities
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    Partner Institution
    Pensions and Family Benefits Fund of State Agents [Caisse des Pensions et des Prestations Familiales des Agents de l'Etat]
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional Strengthening
    This action results from 5 distinct requests by the Caisse des Pensions et des Prestations Familiales des Agents de l'Etat (CPPF). The action's technical products - an assessment report on the organizational strategy of CPPF; recommendations on the development of social marketing and communication policy; recommendations for a revised IT architecture; a roadmap in view of the development of a new insurance branch, namely a complementary pension scheme – were all intended to contribute to the strengthening of the organizational capacities of the young CPPF. Teams of experts with different profiles and country origin (France, Morocco, the Netherlands) have exchanged with the Partner’s teams in the course of four activities.
  • Strengthening the Management of financial reserves of the Institute of Social Security and Services for State Workers of Campeche

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Institute of Security and Social Services for Workers of the State of Campeche [Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado de Campeche]
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional (Regulatory & Policy)
    The Action contributed to achieve two significant results: first, to overview the state of the art of the financial reserves available to the Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado de Campeche (ISSSTECAM) and to critically overview the management arrangements in view of their sustainability; secondly, to draft a text of Law of reform of the State Law on social security and pensions, which was later on presented to and approved by the State Parliament. In the course of three activities, the Partner’s staff worked closely with public experts from France and Spain.
  • Data architecture and management

    Start activities
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    Partner Institution
    General Sub-Directorate for Overcoming Poverty - Social Prosperity agency [Subdirección General para la Superación de la Pobreza - Prosperidad Social]
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional (Regulatory & Policy)
    Prosperidad Social of Colombia requested SOCIEUX+ assistance in view of improving the architecture and data management system of the Sub-Directorate-General for the Elimination of Poverty. Experts from France and Spain carried out an initial mapping of the data structure associated with the UNIDOS program, and the data exchange flows between this entity and the rest of functional units. They further prepared a preliminary data model, identifying and characterizing the data relevant to the Sub-Directorate-General based on its use and its origin. Recommendations for System requirements management and Project approval were developed.
  • Support to the “International Forum on Health Coverage in the Conférence Interafricaine de la Prévoyance Sociale Area (CIPRES)”

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Inter-African Conference on Social Welfare [Conférence Interafricaine de la Prévoyance Sociale]
    Type of Assistance
     International events (awareness raising)
    Experts from France and Luxembourg provided two written (paper) and visual (PowerPoint) presentations as background documents for the International Forum on Health Coverage in the CIPRES area, expected to take place in Brazzaville on 4-6 October 2017.