• Definition of a national social security policy

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Employment and Social Protection [Ministère de l?Emploi et de la Protection Sociale] (MEPS)
    Type of Assistance
    Policy development
    The partner institution (MEPS) has now available a roadmap for developing a consistent and modern social security strategy. This relates to three main dimensions of social security reforms that were undertaken by experts from France in the course of three distinct activities: strengthening the governance of the social security system; including in the system’s coverage new populations to be entitled with social security benefits, including new users with peculiar socio-economic characteristics; strengthening of skills available among staffs of social security institutions and organizations.
  • Definition of a national social assistance policy

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Employment and Social Protection [Ministère de l?Emploi et de la Protection Sociale] (MEPS)
    Type of Assistance
    Policy development
    This Action provided the partner with a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the situation and the formal framework of social action in Côte d'Ivoire, particularly with regard to the situation of the elderly. Furthermore, experts from France have developed draft national policy documents including concrete recommendations of policy measures – some immediately exploitable, other requiring more preparation and concertation – the partner has agreed with, which may support decision-making and policy dialogue, both at the intergovernmental level and with regards of other stakeholders (particular attention is paid to the territorial level and the role of voluntary and non-profit organizations).
  • Analysis of the Social Security Law of the State of Yucatan

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Institute of Social Security for State Workers of Yucatan [Instituto de Seguridad Social de los Trabajadores del Estado de Yucatan] (ISSTEY)
    Type of Assistance
    Legislative & regulatory framework development
    The Institute of Social Security for State Workers of Yucatan requested SOCIEUX+ assistance in view of the reform of the State Law on Social Security with the goal of introducing normative arrangements that may ensure the financial sustainability of services and payments to rightsholders. The comprehensive reform proposal is largely based on European experiences of similar reforming efforts of pensions systems. In particular, the teams of public experts from Spain have focused on the existing challenges to the Institute’s financial reserves and formulated proposals aimed to increase the financial sustainability of the Institute’s accounts; they have taken inspiration in the formulation of reforms’ proposals, to European trends in the determination of the balanced income of the system, formulas of taxation, determination of the requirements for access to pensions and their calculation. The final, concrete result of the cooperation is a reviewed text of Law introducing articles and norms that act on the economic and financial sustainability of the Institute’s accounts.
  • Consolidation of the strategy

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Institute for Social Economy [Instituto para la Economia Social] (IPES)
    Type of Assistance
    Policy development
    The second cooperation between IPES and SOCIEUX+ aimed to guide the implementation of the psychosocial care component of the strategy “Modelo de Atencion Integral” intended to provide ad-hoc support to vulnerable informal street vendors in the streets of Bogota. The ultimate aim of the strategy and the “Modelo” is to provide some sort of social security coverage and support to a category that has traditionally be excluded from formal social security schemes. Experts from Italy and Spain have facilitated the creation of a working group made up by local entities that are in a position to, or actually provide social services to which the target population would be eligible. They then helped defining of a unified conceptual and methodological psycho-social intervention model applicable by the IPES sub-directorates and exploitable by field agents.
  • Professional risks in the public sector

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Pension and Family Benefits Fund for State Agents [Caisse des Pensions et des Prestations Familiales des Agents de l'Etat] (CPPF)
    Type of Assistance
    Policy development
    The Pension and Family Benefits Fund for State Agents (CPPF) of Gabon shared with SOCIEUX+ its intention to expand the package of benefits available to its right-holders, namely State agents, by including insurance coverage for professional accidents and diseases State agents may run into in the deployment of the statutory functions. In that perspective, mobilized public experts from France and Luxembourg have first established an inventory of the existing system of coverage of risks linked to occupational diseases and accidents at work of Gabonese public officials, then drafted normative texts that can duly amend the scope of the system of benefits provided by CPPF, for extending coverage to occupational safety and health risks.
  • Assessing viability of microfinance for creating opportunities for social protection coverage of atypical workers

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Labour and Employment Promotion [Ministerio de Trabajo y Promoción del Empleo]
    Type of Assistance
    This technical cooperation action has allowed to deepen the Partner’s understanding of the possibilities (and the difficulties) linked to the promotion of micro-insurance for providing essential coverage to uninsured workers. A specific target population has been indicated by the Ministry of Labour and Employment Promotion of Peru as main target group: the dockers of the agricultural market of La Vitoria, in the outskirts of Lima. Experts’ teams – from France, Italy and Spain - have met and discussed with the representatives of the dockers and their unions, in order to explore whether the option of a micro-insurance that meet basic-coverage needs with regards to pensions and the risk of running into working-related sickness or accidents, could represent a suitable option for the workers. Experts also met with private micro-finance organizations in order to explore the actual micro-insurance plan that could be proposed to the dockers.