Requests for Technical Cooperation

SOCIEUX+ receives requests from public authorities, mandated bodies and social partners at national, regional and local level. International organisations can also support Partner Institutions in requesting technical cooperation activities from SOCIEUX+.

The following public and semi-public sector bodies are eligible: central governments, ministries, legislative councils; regional governments; mandated bodies; and, other institutions responsible for the implementation or provision of social protection and employment issues. 

SOCIEUX+ can also cooperate with social partners engaged in social dialogue which influences political and development agendas. This could include trade unions, employer and worker organisations and associations, umbrella organisations, and others. These stakeholders should also be involved in actions that benefit other partner institutions, to ensure the completion and sustainability of SOCIEUX+ actions.

Actions can be implemented in the 160 partner countries (see full list here) covered by the EU development and cooperation instruments in:

 European Neighborhood 

 Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific

 Latin America, Asia and the Middle East

How to Apply

Complete, Attach, Sign and Send

How to Apply


Complete the Request Form,
available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian.


 Attach relevant supporting documents.


Sign and date the request.


Send it by email, letter or upload it.

Download the Request Form

Form Description Available languages
SOCIEUX+ Request Form Request From for Peer-to-Peer Technical Cooperation through structured actions with multiple activities EN FR ES PT RU
SOCIEUX+ Simplified Request Form Request Form for Peer-to-Peer Technical Cooperation for conferences, roundtables and other awareness raising events EN FR ES PT RU

Read the Guide


The Guide for institutions and social partners in partner countries provides key information about SOCIEUX+ and the possible types of intervention. It also contains detailed information on how to submit a request, the financial and the logistical aspects of the organisation of actions and activities.

     Available languages                                                                                                                                                                                 EN         ES         FR          PT          RU


For more information and for submitting requests for technical cooperation activities please contact us at

Register online

Register online and upload your request to our platform.