• Support to revise the SP Strategy of the MoSD in Jordan

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    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Social Development
    Type of Assistance
    Policy development
    The Ministry of Social Development (MoSD) is responsible for the provision of social services to a wide range of beneficiaries, including young people and children, families and people living with disabilities. These services are provided at a local level though social service directorates and offices. The strategic objective of the MoSD is to contribute to the development and implementation of an integrated social policy in Jordan. Social protection is delivered through four major public programmes: a social insurance programme; a public programme for the civil service and military (phasing out); a social assistance programme; and, an assistance programme for Palestinian Refugees (delivered through the UN Relief and Works Agency). There was a need to strengthen and rationalise programmes so that they better serve the most vulnerable. Moreover, addressing needs of the Syrian refugee crisis, and its impact on the country, remains a major challenge for the Government. Jordan had recently drafted a Poverty Reduction Strategy (2013-2020) and the Response Plan for the Syria Crisis. In this context the MoSD engaged in a more strategic planning approach to rationalise and strengthen existing programmes, and the needed capacities to do so. Over a period of several months, experts mobilised by SOCIEUX work with the peers on the elaboration of a draft Strategic Plan 2016-2021 for the MoSD entitled “Together – Tackling Disadvantage: Realising the potential of all our citizens and building sustainable communities”. Moreover, the experts submitted a roadmap for a communication strategy for the dissemination and endorsement of the Strategic Plan as well as a monitoring and evaluation framework for its implementation titled Business Performance.
  • Support to the Social Cash Transfers-Secretariat

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    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Planning and Economic Affairs
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational capacity building
    The Social Cash Transfer Secretariat of the Ministry of Gender and Development is responsible for the management of the National Social Cash Transfer Programme. As an element of the social protection system, a social cash transfers were piloted at programme level, in 2011. The number of pilot sites was to be scaled up from two to five (third of the 15 counties forming the administrative segments of the country). To achieve this scale-up individual, organisational and institutional capacities of the Secretariat need to be strengthened. Experts mobilised worked with their Liberian peers in an assessment of institutional capacities for this action, and to provide proposals both to improve the organisation Programme and strengthen the individual capacities of the Secretariat’s staff.
  • Training on the pension systems and a capacity development needs assessment

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    Partner Institution
    National Pensions and Occupational Risks Office
    Type of Assistance
    Individual capacity building (human resources development)
    The National Office for Pensions and Occupational Risk (ONPR) for civil servants, magistrates and judicial personnel implements contributory pensions, vocational hazards and associated benefit social insurance in Burundi since 2010. The ONPR faced challenges of efficiently managing increasing expansion of the scheme including at organisational level. To address these challenges, experts mobilised by SOCIEUX+ worked with their peers on the elaboration of an internal management strategy, the establishment of monitoring and control procedures, and the improvement of quality assurance mechanisms. The staff of ONPR, and other stake holding institutions in the area of pension, was to be trained key concepts of social protection to widen their understanding of the functioning of pension systems. Further, the intervention assessed and formulated recommendation on how to best respond to identified needs of the partner institutions for the efficient and effective management of the pension scheme.
  • Support capacity building and institutional frameworks for the implementation of social protection

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    Partner Institution
    Planning Institute of Jamaica
    Type of Assistance
    Legislative & regulatory framework development
    The Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIoJ) is the foremost economic and social planning agency of the Jamaican Government. The PIoJ had a leading role in the elaboration of the Social Protection Strategy of the country, in 2014. Further, the PIoJ is in charge of coordinating the implementation of the Strategy’s actions and monitoring and evaluation corresponding operations. The success of which depends to a large extent on a careful and effective financial management to withstand economic shocks, which have been frequent in the Caribbean region. Experts mobilised transferred their experience and knowledge to their peers of the PIoJ in the areas of financing, monitoring and evaluation social protection. In addition, experts were to support the costing the existing Social Protection Floor [the minimum package of social assistance and protection services already in place] and the development of a monitoring and evaluation framework for social protection.
  • Supporting contributory pensions coverage extension, investment management and administration

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    Partner Institution
    Institute of Social Security of the State of Guanajuato [Instituto de Seguridad Social del Estado de Guanajuato]
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational capacity building
    The Institute of Social Security of the State of Guanajuato (ISSEG) is responsible for providing insurance benefits to the formal sector [public employees and civil servants] in the Mexican State of Guanajuato. The amounts of pensions originally guaranteed by the ISSEG were pre-defined as a percentage of the affiliate’s wage at time of compliance of retirement criteria. The underlying solidarity fund is financed by contributions of workers and employers, as well as the returns generated by investments. Due to the challenges in funding the existing system, the ISSEG was considering reforms to set benefits on actual historical contributions. Mobilised experts contributed in building capacities of the ISSEG for planned reforms by addressing issues with their peers in policy definition and administrative requirement definition by sharing EU Member States and common experience in making pension schemes affordable in the face of changing economic, policy and demographic environments. In particular, they transferred understanding on legal, actuarial and financial implications of the implementation of the proposed reforms.
  • Support to implementation of the Management Information System (MIS) of the Zanzibar Universal Pension Scheme (ZUPS)

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Empowerment, Social Welfare, Youth, Women and Children
    Type of Assistance
    Information management systems
    The Action supported the Ministry of Empowerment, Social Welfare, Youth, Women and Children of Zanzibar in the roll-out of the MIS system for social pensions in Zanzibar (Pemba and Unguja). Experts from Germany and Spain provided technical advice and quality assurance, and ensured, with the participation of the UNICEF country office, that all actors achieved their tasks in due time. The main contribution of the experts was to keep the process on the right track, both in terms of technical requirements and implementation pace.