• Improving service delivery for business owners in Edo State

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Edo State skills development agency (EdoJobs)
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational capacity building, Individual capacity building (human resources development)
    The Edo State Skills Development Agency (EdoJobs) is a regional agency set up by the Edo State Government to support the creation of employment opportunities, job matching and skills reinforcement of the state population. This action, implemented remotely, contributed to the improvement of the services provided by EdoJobs to business starters and owners. Following an initial assessment and the elaboration of a roadmap for improved services, a ‘Mentorship and coaching guide for entrepreneurship’ was developed. The action was concluded with a capacity-building activity for a team of EdoJobs trainers. This cooperation involved Austrian, Lithuanian and Belgian expertise and was supported by the GIZ-SKYE project.
  • Capacity building of staff of Ogun State Bureau of Job Creation on PES delivery

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ogun State Bureau of Job Creation and Youth Empowerment
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational capacity building
    Through collaboration with the Ogun Bureau of Job Creation in Nigeria, this initiative, executed remotely, significantly enhanced the capabilities of the Bureau staff in delivering Public Employment Services (PES). By conducting an organizational capacity assessment, French PES experts identified areas where job counselors required additional training. Subsequently, Spanish and Slovenian experts developed tailored training modules utilizing the SOCIEUX+ e-learning platform. These modules concentrated on essential aspects such as managing a PES service, fostering employer relationships and partnerships, and effectively communicating the services provided by the bureau to the public.
  • Community-based information on prevention of COVID-19 infections

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    National Social Safety Nets Coordinating Office (NASSCO)
    Type of Assistance
    Awareness raising (roundtables, seminars, workshops, etc)
    This one-off action aimed to raise general awareness on communication strategies for reaching out to local communities, including but not limited to Covid-19 response. The activity consisted in a series of workshops providing a general-purpose methodology on social marketing and a series of relevant case studies. The result is a set of tools that the Partner will integrate in the current communication strategy.
  • Strengthening the NASSCO’s capacity for the development of a database of Poor and Vulnerable Households (PVHHs) in shock response

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    National Social Safety Nets Coordinating Office (NASSCO)
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational capacity building
    This Action fell within the scope of DEVCO-ILO project with NASSCO “Strengthening and Expanding the National Social Registry (NSR) as a shock-responsive social protection system in Nigeria”. Experts from France and Germany first assessed individual capacity needs on knowledge management for informing policies for building social protection systems. Based on the assessment a training was delivered and a methodology and a series M&E tools on tracking staff performance were jointly built. Experts from Belgium and France then provided guidance on data security for NASSCO’ monitoring and information system (MIS). The activity consisted in the combination of synchronous and asynchronous training modules on SOCIEUX+ e-learning platform around the two topics of data policies and procedures and data sensitivity and security.
  • Development of Occupational Safety and Health in Nigeria

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Safety Advocacy and Empowerment Foundation
    Type of Assistance
    Individual capacity building (human resources development)
    A series of training sessions and a study visit to Germany have addressed the partner’s request to promote a preventative safety and health culture in the workplace. The Safety Advocacy and Empowerment Foundation cooperates with the Lagos State Safety Commission in view to ensure the adequate occupational safety and health preventive and reactive measures are in place in the factories and firms of one of the most industrialized regions in the whole Africa. Training delivered by experts belonging to the German Association of Accident Insurance (DGUV) concerned principles of prevention, assessing risks in the workplace, the ‘Vision Zero’ concept, and the specific area of road safety.