Pictures courtesy of DGUV.

Promoting Vision Zero: Web-based training on occupational safety and health in Nigeria

The training on occupational safety and health (OSH) has now resumed in Nigeria, albeit at a distance, after the interruption due to the difficulty of organizing on-site activities during the pandemic crisis. The training is organized by SOCIEUX+ at the request of the Lagos State Safety Commission (LSSC) and the Safety Advocacy & Empowerment Foundation (SAEF), the organization delegated to raise awareness, inform and train workers and employers on the principles and practices aimed at guaranteeing safety in the workplace.

SOCIEUX+ and the Partners will be counting on a team of experts backed by the German Social Accident Insurance (Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung, DGUV) and first-hand practitioners in promoting Vision Zero across countries and sectors: Dr. Sven Timm from DGUV and Helmut Ehnes.

After addressing the principles of prevention, and management of health and safety measures at work in small and medium-sized enterprises, this third module, using the new SOCIEUX+ distance modality, introduces the principles and methods of the International Social Security Association (ISSA)’s Vision Zero strategy.

Vision Zero aims to develop a prevention culture globally. Initially developed for mining, since 2017 it has become the ISSA’s flagship initiative on prevention in all industries and industrial sectors. It was launched at the 21st World Congress on Safety and Health in Singapore. Vision Zero is built on 3 pillars: Safety, Health and Wellbeing. It recognizes that every accident and every work-related disease has causes and therefore can be prevented if each person takes responsibility and fulfils his or her duty in preventing work-related accidents. The basic premise is that everyone returns safe and healthy back home to his or her family every day, after work.

The web-based training for Nigeria, “Promoting Vision Zero”, shall address the following matters:

  • VISION ZERO concept as cultural change in prevention activities.
  • The 7 Golden Rules of Vision Zero.
  • The Vision Zero Toolbox.
  • The benefits of introducing Vision Zero in workplaces.
  • Measures to implement Vision Zero in workplaces.

(SOCIEUX+ 2019-13)