• Strengthening the organizational capacities of the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund to achieve the objectives of the Public Administration Reform Strategy

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Pension and Disability Insurance Fund
    Type of Assistance
    Organisation/business strategy & planning, Organisational management (structures & functions)
    The action in collaboration with the Pension and Disability Fund of Montenegro aimed to improve the quality of service and transparency to the insured and beneficiaries in line with the Public Administration Reform Strategy. Experts from Bulgaria, Romania and France mobilised by SOCIEUX+ assessed organisational and functional capacities, as well as services and communication and together with the partner institution elaborated a Strategic Plan for the period of 2024-2027. Three missions in Podgorica focused on the development and modernization of the organization and work of the Fund for the realization of the objectives of the Public Administration Reform Strategy.
  • Survey on pension adequacy and spending of the single elderlies

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Training, Assessment and Research Institute for Labor and Social Protection (TARILSP)
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational capacity building
    The Training, Assessment and Research Institute for Labor and Social Protection of Mongolia works on methodological improvements in data collection on social protection matters, which reverberate on the quality and relevancy of data analysis and, therefore, policy advise. Experts from Belgium, Finland, Portugal, and Slovakia mobilized by SOCIEUX+ have collaborated with the partner in reengineering data-collection methods (sampling and questionnaires) and provided examples of modern tools and methods for data analysis. The partner has engaged into the elaboration of policy advise, thus building the ground for the development of knowledge-based policy making in the area of social policy.
  • Best practices and strategy for collection of voluntary contributions to non-state pension funds

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    State Social Protection Fund
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional capacity building
    Through two activities, Finnish, French, and German experts mobilized by SOCIEUX+ provided the State Social Protection Fund of Azerbaijan with EU good practices in collecting voluntary contributions to non-state pension funds, followed by a strategy to create, attract and create incentives to non-state pension funds.
  • Capacity building for the improvement of the Brazilian second pillar pension governance and supervision of the legal and regulatory framework

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Cearense Association of Economists Pensioners and Retirees (ACEA)
    Type of Assistance
    Individual capacity building (human resources development)
    The Associação Cearense dos Economiários Aposentados e Pensionistas (ACEA) reached out to SOCIEUX+ in order to provide capacity building, in the form of e-learning courses, to members of Brazilian organizations defending the rights of pensioners. ACEA noticed a clear need for members of such organizations to gain more extensive knowledge on governance, management, and supervision of occupational pension funds, in order to detect shortfalls in the system, apply due diligence, and prevent mismanagement and fraudulent behaviors. The e-learnings, crafted by Portuguese, Spanish, German, and French expertise covered topics such as basic knowledge of the functioning of second pillar pension funds, best practices for regulation and supervision of funds, legal and regulatory frameworks governing second pillar pension funds. This successful e-learnings were followed by hundreds of participants from various parts of Brazil.
  • Analysis of the pension legislative framework and strategic guidance

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Gency for Social Insurance and Pensions (ASIP)
    Type of Assistance
    Legislative & regulatory framework development
    An assessment report of the existing pension legal framework has been elaborated by experts from Bulgaria and Latvia identifying gaps, risks and challenges, and formulating specific mitigation strategies and measures. The experts also prepared a compendium of requirements for the implementation of the legal framework, taking into account the administrative functions needed to operationalize the system. Following this, experts from Latvia and Lithuania produced a functional assessment and reviewed the business processes and workflows of the Agency for Social Insurance and Pensions (ASIP) of Tajikistan in view of their adequacy in terms of human and material resources, technical competencies and tools, corporate organization and workflows. In particular, experts reviewed the current methodologies, formulas and processes used by ASIP for the calculation of pension benefits.
  • Advice on sustainability and investment of pension funds

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Economy and Finances
    Type of Assistance
    Individual capacity building (human resources development)
    The Action had an essential capacity building motive. The National Social Protection Committee of Cambodia – a long-standing SOCIEUX+ partner - wishes to enhance its role as a guardian and a regulator of an expanded and reformed social protection system. The present Action focused on pensions, in the light of the planned reform, which finally came into force in 2022, bringing in the system private sector workers, together with public civil servants. NSPC’s staff have received significant exposure to EU and international cases and practices, particularly on the issue of (sustainably) financing pensions. Relevant international standards were presented by experts from Finland and Lithuania, with a focus on taxation, collection of contributions, the very build-up of a pension system, and its financing.