• Strengthening the capacity of the Employment Administration and its public services [Renforcement des capacités de l’administration de l’Emploi et de son service public]

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Employment, Youth and Sports [Ministère de l’Emploi, de la Jeunesse et des Sports]
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational management (structures & functions)
    The Directorate General for Employment of the Ministry of Employment, Youth and Sports of Mauritania requested SOCIEUX+ to formulate an organization audit and address the most needed gaps in terms of individual capacities. Following the assessment, a cycle of trainings has primarily targeted management strategies and human resources development. Among the topics covered by the training sessions were managers’ compliance with the organizational strategy, change management and female leadership.
  • Territorial location of national public policy guidelines on informal vendors in public space: support for pilot projects in Barranquilla and Cali

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of the Interior [Ministerio del Interior
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional capacity building
    The Action run in parallel and originates from the same request than Action 2021-01. The request submitted by the Ministry of Interior of Colombia aimed to gain insights that be useful to the deployment of the national policy on informal street vendors, which encompasses both social security and employment promotion goals. Through this Action, the relevant staff of the Partner institution improved capacities and gained tools directed to the collection and analysis of data on informal street vendors, with the ultimate objective of shaping more effective strategies in support of their employability, formalization, and entrepreneurship. Experts from France and Spain particularly looked into informal work dynamics in the streets of Barranquilla and Cali.
  • Social dialogue and public-private partnerships for green jobs in the Forestry sector of Loreto

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Regional Government of Loreto
    Type of Assistance
    Organisation/business strategy & planning
    The Action aimed to support the regional government of Loreto to promote opportunities for decent green jobs. It focused on the potential of public-private mechanisms for the sustainable development of Loreto's forestry sector with the generation of green, formal and decent jobs for the local youth. The Regional Direction of Employment chose to join an existing Regional Forestry Roundtable. Experts from France, Germany and Spain mapped the value chains of the forestry sector, made an analysis of the needed professional skills to access quality green jobs. In that perspective, experts formulated a proposal for a pilot training programme for young people, that could act as a catalyst for creating employment opportunities in the regional forestry sector.
  • Capacity building of employment advisors and job developers on soft skills

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Natinal Employment Fund [Fond National de l'Emploi] (FNE)
    Type of Assistance
    Capacity building
    This action in collaboration with the National Employment Fund of Cameroon, aimed at improving services provided to job seekers, more specifically by assessing capacities of job counsellors on the topic of soft skills. Experts from France and Belgium focused on empowering job counselors in the appropriation of techniques and key skills of job counseling, with an emphasis on young job seekers. A large number of job counselors took part in the construction of training of trainers, involving staff from Yaoundé and Douala.