• Developing of a policy for occupational health and safety in the public administration

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    National Directorate of Public Administration - Ministry of Finances [Direcção Nacional da Administração Pública - Ministério das Finanças]
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional Strengthening
    On the demand of the National Directorate of Public Administration of the Ministry of Finance of Cabo Verde, the main objective of this action was to assess the health and safety situation in the workplace in the public administration. During a single exploratory activity, information on partnerships, internal functioning, delegation system, procedural organization of services, hazard management, system of governance and management teams, was compiled and shared with relevant stakeholders by a Portuguese expert. That information was intended to feed a systemic diagnosis of the organization and services and to formulate a way forward to their improvement.
  • Design and implementation of local employment policy

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Municipality of La Estrella - Public Employment Services [Agencia Pública de Gestión y Colocación de Empleo]
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional Strengthening
    The Public Employment Service of the Municipality of La Estrella faced the challenge of narrowing the gap between labour market demand and labor supply. Experts from France and Spain first helped to identify key challenges faced by the employment intermediation services in the Aburrá valley, while as second step a systemic and organizational analysis of the labor intermediation services provided by each of the 10 municipal public employment agencies was elaborated. Following the assessment results, a training program was formulated and deployed for local employment agents. Experts also contributed to the construction of the strategic lines and of an action plan and a communication plan of the local Public Employment Services.
  • Strengthening of entrepreneurial capacities

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Public Employment Services [Unidad del Servicio Público de Empleo]
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional Strengthening
    The action was articulated in three activities to support to the Colombian Public Employment Service (UAESPE) to provide quality support and services to the employers and entrepreneurs in order to better match labour market demand and labour supply. The mobilized experts came from France and Spain. The first activity resulted in a detailed diagnosis of service delivery and organization. Secondly, a training session for UAESPE’s business managers led to a better understanding of the minimum standards of intermediation services, with particular attention to challenges deriving from the diversity of the profiles of jobseekers. Finally, UAESPE had to establish a communication plan; experts provided guidance on how to create a brand image and how to formulate strong messages for key audiences. Additionally, indicators to measure the impact of media campaigns and other communication initiatives were developed.
  • Social protection coverage in the informal economy

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Institute for Social Economy [Instituto para la Economia Social]
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional (Regulatory & Policy)
    The main outcome of the technical assistance has been to put high in the local political and institutional agenda the issue of extending social protection coverage to the informal street vendors of Bogota, which are the main target population of the Instituto para la Economia Social (IPES)’s efforts in the area of local socio-economic development. Experts (three different teams coming from France, Italy, and Spain) first of all succeeded to clarify the terms of the debate through a stakeholders’ mapping and a feasibility study in view of the current situation and status of informal street vendors. Thanks to IPES’ proactive role, the missions of experts have become a tool for mobilizing a number of local actors, starting from the Municipality of Bogota and State agencies, all the way to local NGOs, around the idea of ensuring some sort of social support against life’s risks faced by informal street vendors.
  • Capacity building for better employment services, strategy and planning for youth employment

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Labour, Public Administration and Social Affairs (MTFPAS)
    Type of Assistance
    The Agence Nationale pour l'emploi (ANPE) of Benin required SOCIEUX+ technical support to set up a ‘training and skills’ development plan to empower its intermediation services in 12 local agencies. The first mission was dedicated to a systemic and organizational diagnosis of the ANPE. The second activity was oriented to the definition and elaboration of a training plan for employment counsellors dealing with jobseekers, companies, and the self-employed, and for the heads of local agencies. The third activity focused on the services delivered by counsellors to jobseekers, namely, how to conduct a counselling interview). Finally, experts delivered a remote training workshop intended to give counsellors the right tools to strengthen their relationships with private firms and to meet employers' recruitment needs. All experts mobilized came from public entities, notably public employment services, of Belgium and France.