• Capacity building of CIPRES in providing continuing trainings to OPS staff in the field of social protection

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    Partner Institution
    Inter-African Conference on Social Welfare [Conférence Interafricaine de la Prévoyance Sociale] (CIPRES)
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional capacity building, Organisational capacity building
    The Inter-African Conference on Social Welfare (CIPRES) reached out to SOCIEUX+ in view of reinforcing its Executive Secretariat in training engineering capacities. CIPRES aims to put in place a training center that will provide trainings to technical staff. This action, led by French and Belgian experts, produced a complete training engineering guide tailored to CIPRES needs. The guide includes step by step instructions to do a training design, assessing training needs of an organization, operational aspects of delivering a training, and monitoring and evaluation of training delivery.
  • Technical assistance for the evaluation of the real cost of health care procedures and the updating of the basic prices for the reimbursement of health care services

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    Partner Institution
    National Health Insurance Institute [Institut National d?Assurance Maladie du Togo] (INAM)
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational capacity building
    The National Health Insurance Institute (INAM) of Togo is a SOCIEUX+ long-standing partner. Together, strategic and organizational topics have been addressed, thus enhancing INAM’s role into the management of health insurance, particularly in view of the roll-out of the 2021 Law instituting the Universal Health Coverage (UHC). This Action focused on specific components of health insurance management such as tariffication of health procedures and the assessment of the quality/performance of health service provision covered by the insurance. Experts from Belgium and France helped updating the reimbursement prices of a sample, based on a price-setting methodology that will remain in INAM’s availability.
  • Soft skills: a strategic challenge for youth employment - e conference

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    National Agency for the Promotion of Employment [Agence Nationale pour l'Emploi] (ANPE)
    Type of Assistance
    International events (awareness raising)
    The online conference « Les soft skills : un enjeu stratégique pour développer l’employabilité des jeunes » organized by the National Agency for Employment of Togo together with SOCIEUX+ and the YouMatch Global Initiative on innovative employment services for youth funded by German cooperation agency GIZ gathered more than 80 participants from 15 African and EU countries to discuss how soft skills – or life skills and competences that are necessary to enter, to maintain and/or change employment, but that cannot be confirmed by formal working experience or diplomas (unlike technical skills) – are changing the labour market of the future and how public employment services can take the advantage of this emerging concept to reinforce the employability of vulnerable groups, including young people, rural population of women. Experts from France mobilized by SOCIEUX+ presented their expertise together with their peers from African Countries.
  • Training of Trainers for employment counsellors on the development of soft skills for job seekers  [Formation des Formateurs, pour former les Conseillers emploi ...]

    Start activities
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    Partner Institution
    National Agency for the Promotion of Employment [Agence Nationale pour l'Emploi] (ANPE)
    Type of Assistance
    Human resources management
    Experts from Belgium and France conducted a remote assessment of the capacities, gaps and needs of the ANPE Togo, with particular reference to support services available to young entrepreneurs and jobseekers for reinforce their employability through the development of soft skills. Based on the assessment, experts delivered a training of trainers to selected ANPE’s staff.
  • Support for the set up of universal health insurance

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    Partner Institution
    Institut National d’Assurance Maladie (INAM)
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional Strengthening
    Experts mobilized from France and Lebanon delivered an analysis of Togo’s Institut National d’Assurance Maladie (INAM)’s institutional organization and capacities. The assessment focused on the challenges faced by INAM in view of the extension of health coverage, clarified the institutional responsibilities, while identifying issues requiring further technical assistance to INAM, such as the preparation of a strategic plan, the enhancement of internal capacities in the field of “risk management,” and the development of a management information system. The first two topics were then addressed by experts through peer-to-peer exchanges with the relevant INAM’s executives and staff, presenting models and good practices applicable to INAM’s context and needs.
  • Support to the revision of legislative and regulatory texts in the fields of Labour and Public Services

    Start activities
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    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Public Function, Labour, Administrative Reform and Social Protection [Ministère de la Function Publique du Travail et de la Reforme Administrative]
    Type of Assistance
    The Ministry of Public Function, Labour, Administrative Reform and Social Protection of Togo had the objective to fill current gaps and identified deficiencies in the application of the Labour code and in the regulations governing civil servants’ employment. The support provided through French public expertise served this purpose, by first looking into the current regulations and identifying problems, inconsistencies, and bottlenecks; then by drafting a report and presenting its conclusions to selected partners as a way to formulate practical suggestions as to improve the civil servants’ employment system.