Actions in Burkina Faso

  • Technical support for elaboration of strategic plan of ANPE /Appui Technique pour l’Elaboration d’un Plan Stratégique de Développement de l’Agence Nationale pour l’Emploi (ANPE)/

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    National Employment Agency [Agence Nationale pour l'Emploi] (ANPE)
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional capacity building
    The National Employment Agency (ANPE) of Burkina Faso requested SOCIEUX+ assistance to revise its strategy and gain efficiency in the delivery of its labour-intermediation services. In two activities implemented remotely, experts from France first assessed the Agency internal organization and services, then supported the formulation of a strategic plan, as to provide to ANPE a framework for action. The two last activities were implemented on-site and allowed to confirm and consolidate the decisions taken through the distant cooperation. In particular, the strategic development plan of the ANPE was finalized and approved by all stakeholders that will be involved in its implementation (ministries, regional and local authorities, employers’ and civil society representatives, development partners).
  • Strengthening of staff capacities of the Miinistry of Vocational Training and Entrepreneurship (Formation du personnel du Ministère de la Jeunesse et de la promotion de l’entreprenariat des jeunes)

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Youth, Vocational Training and Integration [Ministère de la Jeunesse, de la Formation et de la Insertion Professionnelles]
    Type of Assistance
    Individual capacity building (human resources development)
    The Ministry of Youth, Vocational Training and Integration of Burkina Faso requested the assistance of SOCIEUX+ for organizational matters and to improve staff capacity, through the setting-up of a capacity building plan aimed at professionalizing the staff of different departments. Experts from Belgium and France progressively addressed the issue in the course of four activities, engaging the partner’s key staff in the elaboration of a training plan that addresses the needs and gaps identified by the partner institution’s staff.