Key documents

Discover SOCIEUX+ key documents here, available in multiple languages. If you need any assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

Document Description Available languages Share
SOCIEUX+ Factsheet Western Balkans Key information and features about SOCIEUX+ extension of its peer-to-peer cooperation activities to Western Balkans region (2022). EN ALB BOS MK SR  

SOCIEUX+ Factsheet Key information and main features of the EU Facility SOCIEUX+, including examples of technical cooperation in social protection and employment (2023). EN FR ES PT RU  

SOCIEUX+ Brochures Key information and features about SOCIEUX+ (2019). EN FR ES PT CN  

SOCIEUX+ Mid Term Evaluation Infographic Key findings of the mid-term evaluation of SOCIEUX+ (2023). EN  

SOCIEUX+ Request Forms Request form for peer-to-peer technical cooperation through structured actions with multiple activities. EN FR ES PT RU  

SOCIEUX+ Simplified Request Form Request form for peer-to-peer technical cooperation for conferences, roundtables and other awareness raising events. EN FR ES PT RU  

SOCIEUX+ COVID-19 Simplified Request Form Request form for peer-to-peer technical cooperation on COVID-19 related issues to social protection, labour and employment EN FR ES  

SOCIEUX+ Guide for Experts Key details on the role of experts within our technical cooperation activities, including information on financial entitlements and logistical arrangements offered by SOCIEUX+. EN FR ES PT  

SOCIEUX+ Guide for Partner Institutions and social partners Essential information about SOCIEUX+ and the possible types of intervention, along with detailed instructions on how to submit a request. EN FR ES PT RU  

Technical Reports  Consult and download here all the technical reports published by SOCIEUX+. EN FR ES PT  

Call for Experts  Explore and download all the calls for experts launched by SOCIEUX+. EN FR ES PT