List of actions

  • Support on the development of individual foster care plans

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Health, Work and Social Policy
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional capacity building
  • Improving the quality of services at day care centers for persons with disabilities

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    PI Institute for social activities
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional capacity building Organisational management (structures & functions)
    Following the last analysis carried out by the Institute of Social Activities in June 2022, the technical assistance provided by SOCIEUX+ through mobilized EU public experts addressed the qualitative dimension in the provision of services by the day-care centres to persons with disabilities. The Action unfolded in three activities, for which experts from Portugal and Romania have been mobilized. The first peer-to-peer on-site activity focused on analyzing the current state of play of day care centres for persons with disabilities, while the second one supported the modernization of standards and procedures for social service delivery in the day-care centres for persons with disabilities by developing an improved manual. The third and last activity concluded the technical cooperation with the elaboration of a general framework for monitoring and evaluating the quality and pertinence of the social services provided in the day-care centres for persons with disabilities.
  • Development of Strategic Plan for the Employment Service Agency of the Republic of North Macedonia

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Employment Service Agency
    Type of Assistance
    Organisation/business strategy & planning
    National Employment Service of North Macedonia requested SOCIEUX + support to gain more knowledge on how to effectively implement formalised strategic planning process and elaborate a three-year strategic plan of the institution. Strategic plan was a legal requirement in accordance to the Law on Budgets and it should have been submitted to the Ministry of Finance in several months. Senior expertise was mobilized from Swedish, Polish, and French institutions. Partner institution along with the experts developed strategic plan and officially started its implementation.
  • Development of counselling standards and services for children and youth at risk

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (MLSP)
    Type of Assistance
    Organisation/business strategy & planning
    The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy requested development of counselling standards and services for children and youth at risk implemented in the institution of 25.maj in Skopje. The peer-to-peer technical assistance represented by Croatian, French and Czech expertise allowed to develop a methodology and standards for new services. These standards create an enabling environment for empowerment to the vulnerable youth, children and families at risk and will serve as a pilot project in the country with the possibility for multiplication.
  • Assessment of human ressources of the State Labour Inspectorate (SLI)

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    State Labour Inspectorate (SLI)
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional capacity building Organisational management (structures & functions) Human resources management
    Experts from Lithuania, Austria, Spain and France, mobilised by SOCIEUX+, collaborated with the State Labour Inspectorate (SLI) of North Macedonia to identify organisational gaps and formulate recommendations for optimising human resources management. Following an initial functional analysis of HR management within SLI, experts worked with their peers on two main components: the review, reformulation and standardisation of job descriptions used for recruitment and management purposes; and the matching of job profiles to organisational objectives as well as to objectives linked to the deployment of the labour inspection mandate of SLI.
  • Improving the linkage between cash benefits and social services and the specific needs of persons with disabilities (PwDs)

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (MLSP)
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional capacity building
    The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy sought to enhance the system that links cash benefits and social services to the individual needs of persons with disabilities (PwD). The initiative focused on crafting a personalized approach to entitlements, ensuring that the benefits and services, including income replacements and long-term care benefits, are appropriately aligned with the needs of PwDs. Experts from Austria, Germany, Romania, and Slovenia provided relevant EU countries’ examples of tools and scales for individual needs assessment and linkage, while developing recommendations for the reinforcement of the legal framework existing in North Macedonia.
  • Design of a comprehensive Recruitment and Selection Management Model for the Directorate General of Civil Service (DGSC)

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    General Directorate of Civil Service [Dirección General De Servicio Civil] (DGSC)
    Type of Assistance
    Legislative & regulatory framework development
    Since 2018, the Personnel Recruitment and Selection Area of the Directorate General of Civil Service (DGSC) has been developing an initiative that aims to transform the recruitment and selection processes applying to civil servants of 45 institutions that operate under the Civil Service Regime, as to stimulate efficiency, automation, and accessibility in the supply of administrative positions. Against this framework, the action, through the involvement of various teams of Spanish experts mobilized by SOCIEUX+, aimed to significantly improve the civil service recruitment system mainly by accompanying a consultation process involving a sample of HR offices and their regional headquarters, as to take into account their perception and needs. Based on those consultations, experts helped co-constructing a new comprehensive operational model for recruitment, one that is transparent and in accordance with the directives of the Public Employment Framework Law. Finally, experts also helped to develop software requirements for the system’s automation and harmonization.
  • Capacity building of staff of Ogun State Bureau of Job Creation on PES delivery

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ogun State Bureau of Job Creation and Youth Empowerment
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational capacity building
    Through collaboration with the Ogun Bureau of Job Creation in Nigeria, this initiative, executed remotely, significantly enhanced the capabilities of the Bureau staff in delivering Public Employment Services (PES). By conducting an organizational capacity assessment, French PES experts identified areas where job counselors required additional training. Subsequently, Spanish and Slovenian experts developed tailored training modules utilizing the SOCIEUX+ e-learning platform. These modules concentrated on essential aspects such as managing a PES service, fostering employer relationships and partnerships, and effectively communicating the services provided by the bureau to the public.
  • Capacity building of CIPRES in providing continuing trainings to OPS staff in the field of social protection

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Inter-African Conference on Social Welfare [Conférence Interafricaine de la Prévoyance Sociale] (CIPRES)
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional capacity building, Organisational capacity building
    The Inter-African Conference on Social Welfare (CIPRES) reached out to SOCIEUX+ in view of reinforcing its Executive Secretariat in training engineering capacities. CIPRES aims to put in place a training center that will provide trainings to technical staff. This action, led by French and Belgian experts, produced a complete training engineering guide tailored to CIPRES needs. The guide includes step by step instructions to do a training design, assessing training needs of an organization, operational aspects of delivering a training, and monitoring and evaluation of training delivery.
  • Review of the existing policy and regulatory frameworks in view of the introduction of an Unemployment Benefits scheme in Kenya

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    National Social Security Fund
    Type of Assistance
    Legislative & regulatory framework development
    Together with ILO, the National Social Security Fund of Kenya has been working in a set of policy and regulatory documents pertaining to the introduction of a unemployed benefits scheme. The resulting roadmap, actuarial study, legal gap analysis, legal drafting instructions, and draft bill and regulations constituted the framework of the peer-to-peer cooperation facilitated by SOCIEUX+. Policy discussions have mainly revolved around whether to adopt an unemployment insurance (UI) scheme or unemployment individual savings accounts (UISAs). At the end of the Action, experts from France, the Netherlands, and Sweden had helped the partner to review the existing policy and normative frameworks, setting the stage for the introduction of an unemployment benefits (UB) scheme, including its main components/design (benefit duration, benefit rate, contingency and persons covered, qualifying period, eligible reasons for job termination, waiting period, reference and insurable earnings, financing approach,…).