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SOCIEUX+ recherche des expert.e.s dans les domaines de la protection sociale, du travail et des politiques de l’emploi. Consultez toutes les opportunités ici et et inscrivez-vous sur notre plateforme pour de futures opportunités !

Partenaire Appel à des expert•e•s Doc. Statut Partager
Albania24-21/ALB/3/1 - Expert (principal) in Social dialogue, trade unions, education and training, Organisational structures, roles and arrangements, needs assessment and curriculadocumentOuvert
Albania24-21/ALB/3/2 - Expert in Social dialogue, trade unions, human resource management and development, needs assessment and curriculadocumentOuvert
French Polynesia24-26/PYF/2/1 - Expert (principal) in Employment Policy, Employment Services, Data Analysis and CollectiondocumentOuvert
French Polynesia24-26/PYF/2/2 - Expert in Labour market, Professional training, Analysis and data collectiondocumentOuvert
Bolivia24-23/BOL/2/2 - Expert in Professional qualifications, Vocational training, lifelong learning, Human resource management and development, Organisational structures, functions and arrangementsdocumentOuvert
Nigeria24-19/NGA/2/1 - Expert (principal) in Employment ServicesdocumentOuvert
Nigeria24-19/NGA/2/2 - Expert in Employment ServicesdocumentOuvert
Costa Rica24-22/CRI/3/1 - Expert (principal) in Labor legislation related to sex workdocumentOuvert
Costa Rica24-22/CRI/3/2 - Expert in Social security for sex workdocumentOuvert
Costa Rica24-22/CRI/2.1-2.2/1 - Expert (principal) in Labor and social security rights of sex workersdocumentOuvert
Costa RIca24-22/CRI/2.1-2.2/2 - Expert in Political and social advocacy for the social rights of sex workersdocumentOuvert
Moldova24-15/MDA/4/1 - Expert (principal) in Health Insurance (EHIC); Policy and strategy making and development and/or Organisational management and administrationdocumentOuvert
Guatemala24-11/GTM/3/1 - Expert (principal) in Pensions and Administration of the Social securitydocumentOuvert
Guatemala24-11/GTM/3/2 - Expert in Pensions and Social Security AdministrationdocumentOuvert
Côte d'Ivoire25-08/CIV/1 - Expert (principal) in The future of work, labor market, informal economy, labor statistics and data analysisdocumentOuvert
Albania24-21/ALB/2/1 - Expert (principal) in Social dialogue, trade unions, education and training, Organisational structures, roles and arrangements, needs assessment and curriculadocumentOuvert
Albania24-21/ALB/2/2 - Expert in Social dialogue, trade unions, human resource management and development, needs assessment and curriculadocumentOuvert
Moldova24-15/MDA/2/1 - Expert in health insurance (organization of a study visit)documentFermé
French Polynesia24-26/PYF/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Employment Policy, Employment Services, Data Analysis and CollectiondocumentFermé
French Polynesia24-26/PYF/1/2 - Expert in Labor market, Professional training, Analysis and data collectiondocumentFermé
Bolivia24-23/BOL/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Labour market, professional qualifications, lifelong learning, Human resource management and development, Organisational structures, functions and arrangementsdocumentFermé
Bolivia24-23/BOL/1/2 - Expert in Professional qualifications, Vocational training, lifelong learning, Human resource management and development, Organisational structures, functions and arrangementsdocumentFermé
Bolivia24-23/BOL/2/1 - Expert (principal) in Labour market, professional qualifications, lifelong learning, Human resource management and development, Organisational structures, functions and arrangementsdocumentFermé
Montenegro24-20/MNE/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Communication and social security expertdocumentFermé
Albania24-21/ALB/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Social dialogue, trade unions, education and training, Organisational structures, roles and arrangements, needs assessment and curriculadocumentFermé
Albania24-21/ALB/1/2 - Expert in – Social dialogue, trade unions, Human resources management and development, needs assessment and curriculadocumentFermé
Nigeria24-19/NGA/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Employment ServicesdocumentFermé
Nigeria24-19/NGA/1/2 - Expert in Emloyment ServicesdocumentFermé
Guatemala24-06/GTM/4/1 - Experto/a (principal) en Gestión Administrativa y Operativa de Sistemas de Seguridad SocialdocumentFermé
Guatemala24-06/GTM/4/2 - Experta/o en Ordenación Jurídica y Normativa de la Seguridad SocialdocumentFermé
Costa Rica24-22/CRI/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Labor and social security rights of sex workersdocumentFermé
Costa Rica24-22/CRI/1-2 - Expert in Sexual criminal lawdocumentFermé
Montenegro24-20/MNE/1/2 - Expert in Social security and human resources assessmentdocumentFermé
Montenegro24-20/MNE/2/2 - Expert in Strategic planning and social security expertdocumentFermé
Guatemala24-09/GTM/3-1 - Expert in Legislation and regulatory frameworks for the labour inclusion of people with disabilitiesdocumentFermé
Montenegro24-20/MNE/2/1 - Expert (principal) in Communication and social security expertdocumentFermé
Moldova24-15/MDA/3/1 - Expert (principal) in Health Insurance; Legislation and regulation frameworkdocumentFermé
Moldova24-15/MDA/3/2 - Expert in Health Insurance; Legislation and regulation implementation and enforcementdocumentFermé
Uzbekistan24-17/UZB/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Health Insurance (including drug reimbursement and/or pharmacology)documentFermé
Guatemala24-09/GTM/2.1/2.2/1 - Expert (principal) in Legislation, policies and programs for the labor inclusion of people with disabilitiesdocumentFermé
Moldova24-18/MDA/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Trade Unions and Social DialoguedocumentFermé
Moldova24-18/MDA/1/2 - Expert in Human Resources Management and DevelopmentdocumentFermé
Uzbekistan24-17/UZB/1/2 - Expert in Health Insurance (including drug reimbursement and/or pharmacology)documentFermé
Guatemala24-09/GTM/3/2 - Expert in Policies and strategies for the labour inclusion of people with disabilitiesdocumentFermé
Guatemala24-06/GTM/3/1 - Experto/a (principal) en Ordenación Jurídica y Normativa de la Seguridad SocialdocumentFermé
Guatemala24-06/GTM/3/2 - Experto/a en Gestión Administrativa y Operativa de Sistemas de Seguridad SocialdocumentFermé
Uruguay24-07/URY/3/1 - Experto/a (principal) en Servicios Públicos de Empleo (Desarrollo de los recursos humanos y formación) documentFermé
Uruguay24-07/URY/3/2 - Experto/a en Servicios Públicos de Empleo (Reconocimiento y certificación de competencias) documentFermé
Guatemala24-08/GTM/3/1 - Experta/o (principal) en Trabajo, Empleo (políticas de discapacidad)documentFermé
Guatemala24-08/GTM/3/2 - Experto/a en igualdad de género (en políticas de empleo)documentFermé
Guatemala24-11/GTM/2/1 - Expert (principal) in Pensions; Social Security AdministrationdocumentFermé
Guatemala24-11/GTM/2/2 - Expert in Pensions; Social Security AdministrationdocumentFermé
Guatemala24-14/GTM/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Decent Work/Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE)documentFermé
Guatemala24-14/GTM/1/2 - Expert in Decent Work/Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE)documentFermé
Guatemala24-08/GTM/2/1 - Expert (principal) in Work, Employment (disability policies)documentFermé
Guatemala24-08/GTM/2/2 - Expert in Gender equality (in employment policies)documentFermé
Guatemala24-09/GTM/2.1-2.2/2 - Expert in Policies, strategies and programs for the labor inclusion of people with disabilitiesdocumentFermé
Costa Rica24-16/CRI/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Government and Public Administration, Human Resources Management and Development, Organizational Management and AdministrationdocumentFermé
Costa Rica24-16/CRI/1/2 - Expert in Government and Public Administration, Structures, functions and organizational provisions, Governance, transparency and accountabilitydocumentFermé
Moldova24-15/MDA/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Health Insurance; Legislation and regulation frameworkdocumentFermé
Moldova24-15/MDA/1/2 - Expert in Health Insurance or Social Security; Organisational management and administrationdocumentFermé
Guatemala24-11/GTM/1/1 - Experta/o (principal) en Seguridad Social/Pensiones; Legislación, Regulación y Administración de la Seguridad SocialdocumentFermé
Guatemala24-11/GTM/1/2 - Experta/o en Seguridad Social/Pensiones; Legislación, Regulación y Administración de la Seguridad SocialdocumentFermé
Uruguay24-07/URY/2.2/1 - Expert (principal) in Public Employment Services (Job Guidance)documentFermé
Uruguay24-07/URY/2.2/2 - Expert in Public Employment Services (Labor Intermediation)documentFermé
Guatemala24-06/GTM/2/1 - Experta/o (principal) en Normativa y organización de sistemas de Seguridad SocialdocumentFermé
Guatemala24-06/GTM/2/2 - Experto/a en Gestión operativa y financiera de sistemas de Seguridad SocialdocumentFermé
Guatemala24-06/GTM/1/1 - Experta/o (principal) en Normativa y organización de sistemas de Seguridad SocialdocumentFermé
Guatemala24-06/GTM/1/2 - Experto/a en Gestión operativa y financiera de sistemas de Seguridad SocialdocumentFermé
Guatemala24-09/GTM/1/1 - Experto/a (principal) en Legislación para la inclusión laboral de personas con discapacidaddocumentFermé
Guatemala24-09/GTM/1/2 - Experto/a en Políticas y estrategias para la inclusión laboral de personas con discapacidaddocumentFermé
Uruguay24-07/URY/2.1/2.2/1 - Expert (principal) in Public Employment Services (Labour Guidance and Intermediation)documentFermé
Uruguay24-07/URY/2.1/2.2 - Expert in Human Resources Management and Development (Skills Development/Training and Training)documentFermé
Guinea24-02/GIN/2/1 - Expert (principal) in access to health; Monitoring and Evaluation (M/E)/Qualitative/Quantitative MethodsdocumentFermé
Guinea24-02/GIN/2/2 - Expert in access to health; Monitoring and Evaluation (M/E)/Qualitative/Quantitative MethodsdocumentFermé
North Macedonia23-46/MKD/1/3 - Expert (regional/triangular cooperation) in Social Security PolicydocumentFermé
North Macedonia23-46/MKD/2/2 - Expert in Social Security Organisation and FinancingdocumentFermé
Colombia24-13/COL/1/1 - Expert (principal) in green jobs and Public Employment Services documentFermé
Colombia24-13/COL/1/2 - Expert in income generating activities, employment services and labor marketdocumentFermé
North Macedonia23-46/MKD/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Social Security PolicydocumentFermé
North Macedonia23-46/MKD/1/2 - Expert in Social Security Organisation and FinancingdocumentFermé
North Macedonia23-46/MKD/2/1 - Expert (principal) in Social Security PolicydocumentFermé
North Macedonia23-46/MKD/3/1 - Expert (principal) in Social Security PolicydocumentFermé
North Macedonia23-46/MKD/3/2 - Expert in Social Security Organisation and FinancingdocumentFermé
Comoros24-12/COM/1/1 - Expert (principal) in access to health, health insurance, P/S management and implementationdocumentFermé
Comoros24-12/COM/1/2 - Expert in Financing, legislation, social security policy, Implementation and application of L/RdocumentFermé
Guatemala24-08/GTM/1 - Experta/o especialista en Trabajo, Empleo (políticas de discapacidad)documentFermé
Guatemala24-08/GTM/2 - Experta/o Especialista en igualdad de género (en políticas de empleo)documentFermé
Montenegro23-36/MNE/3/1 - Expert (principal) in Occupational Safety and HealthdocumentFermé
Montenegro23-36/MNE/3/2 - Expert in Occupational Safety and HealthdocumentFermé
Uruguay24-07/URY/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Public Employment Services (job guidance)documentFermé
Uruguay24-07/URY/1/2 - Expert in Public Employment Services (labor intermediation)documentFermé
Kosovo*23-38/KSV/3 - Expert in Labour market; Employment Policy; Policy & strategy; Labour StatisticsdocumentFermé
Cabo Verde24-01/CPV/3/1 - Expert (principal) in Assessment of Strategic Planning, Management and organizational administrationdocumentFermé
Cabo Verde24-01/CPV/3/2 - Expert in Labor market monitoring and research, Development of policies and strategiesdocumentFermé
Cabo Verde24-01/CPV/2/1 - Expert (principal) in analysis of performance data from active employment (qualitative) and training policiesdocumentFermé
Cabo Verde24-01/CPV/2/2 - Expert in analysis of performance data from active employment policies (quantitative) and trainingdocumentFermé
Guatemala24-06/GTM/FFM/1 - Expert (principal) in Social Protection, Social Security AdministrationdocumentFermé
Guatemala24-06/GTM/FFM/2 - Expert in Employment and WorkdocumentFermé
Guinea24-02/GIN/1/1 - Expert (principal) in access to health, Governance/Strategies/Public-private partnershipsdocumentFermé
Guinea24-02/GIN/1/2 - Expert in in access to health, Governance/Strategies/Public-private partnershipsdocumentFermé
Cabo Verde24-01/CPV/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Monitoring and evaluation, Active policies of employmentdocumentFermé
Cabo Verde24-01/CPV/1/2 - Expert in Data governance, Active employment policiesdocumentFermé
Zambia23-45/ZMB/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Health insurance, Policy/Strategy making and developmentdocumentFermé
Zambia23-45/ZMB/1/2 - Expert in Health insurance, Social Security financing, Legislation/Regulation making and developmentdocumentFermé
Costa Rica24-05/CRI/1/1 - Expert (principal) in labor market, public services employment, vocational training and other related experiencesdocumentFermé
Costa Rica24-05/CRI/1/2 - Expert in labor market, public services employment, vocational training and other related experiencesdocumentFermé
Moldova24-15/MDA/4/2 - Expert in Health Insurance (EHIC); Information management systemsdocumentFermé
Thailand24-03/THA/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Health insurance, Policy and Strategy making and development, Individuals’ capacity building/trainingdocumentFermé
Thailand24-03/THA/1/2 - Expert in Health insurance, Social Security financing, Legislation and Regulation making and development, Individuals’ capacity building/trainingdocumentFermé
Comoros23-34/COM/2/1 - Expert (principal) in Financing social securitydocumentFermé
Comoros23-34/COM/2/2 - Expert in Financing social securitydocumentFermé
Comoros23-34/COM/2/3 - Expert in Financing social securitydocumentFermé
Lebanon23-44/LBN/3/1 - Expert (principal) in Social Security Administration and Inspection - ICTdocumentFermé
Lebanon23-44/LBN/3/2 - Expert in Technology – ICTdocumentFermé
Kosovo*23-33/KSV/2/1 - Expert (principal) in Green jobs and Labour market; qualitative and quantitative researchdocumentFermé
Kosovo*23-33/KSV/2/2 - Expert in Green jobs and Labour market; Policy and strategy making and developmentdocumentFermé
Montenegro23-20/MNE/3/2 - Expert in strategic planning (monitoring and evaluation oriented)documentFermé
North Macedonia23-46/MKD/FFM/1 - Expert in Social Security Legislation, Informal EconomydocumentFermé
Kosovo*23-38/KSV/2/1 - Expert (principal) in Labour market statisticsdocumentFermé
Kosovo*23-38/KSV/2/2 - Expert in Labour market statisticsdocumentFermé
North Macedonia23-39/MKD/2/1 - Expert (principal) in Social Security and Information Management SystemsdocumentFermé
North Macedonia23-39/MKD/2/2 - Expert in Social Security and Information Management SystemsdocumentFermé
North Macedonia23-26/MKD/3/1 - Expert (principal) in Human Resource Management and Development, Labour Administration and Labour InspectiondocumentFermé
North Macedonia23-26/MKD/3/2 - Expert in Human Resource Management and Development, Labour Relations SpecialistdocumentFermé
Guinea23-42/GIN/1/1 - Expert (principal) in methods of research/analysis and information management in the field of social protectiondocumentFermé
Guinea23-42/GIN/1/2 - Expert in health insurance (asset: experience in community health insurance)documentFermé
Guinea23-42/GIN/1/3 - Expert in health insurance (asset: experience in community health insurance or research methodologies)documentFermé
Gabon23-27/GAB/3/1 - Expert (principal) in employment services, labor market, technologies of information and communicationdocumentFermé
Gabon23-27/GAB/3/2 - Expert in employment services, labor market, technologies of information and communicationdocumentFermé
São Tomé and Príncipe23-41/STP/2/4 - Expert in access to finance for entrepreneursdocumentFermé
Montenegro23-20/MNE/3/1 - Expert (principal) in strategic planning (change management and budgeting)documentFermé
São Tomé and Principe23-41/STP/2/3 - Expert in technological exchange and innovation and/or access to financing for entrepreneurs and/or awareness and networkingdocumentFermé
Lebanon23-44/LBN/2/1 - Expert (principal) in Social Security Administration and Inspection - ICTdocumentFermé
Lebanon23-44/LBN/2/2 - Expert in Technology – ICTdocumentFermé
Uzbekistan22-09/UZB/4/1 - Expert (principal) in Social Services Policy and strategy making and development ; Service deliverydocumentFermé
Uzbekistan22-09/UZB/4/2 - Expert in Social Services; Rights of People with Disabilities Service deliverydocumentFermé
São Tomé and Príncipe23-41/STP/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Optimizing the regulatory environment for entrepreneurshipdocumentFermé
São Tomé and Príncipe23-41/STP/1/2 - Expert in Educational development and skills for entrepreneurshipdocumentFermé
Montenegro23-36/MNE/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Occupational Safety and HealthdocumentFermé
Montenegro23-36/MNE/1/2 - Expert in Occupational Safety and HealthdocumentFermé
São Tomé and Principe23-41/STP/1/3 - Expert in Regulatory environment and/or education for entrepreneurshipdocumentFermé
Kosovo*23-16/KSV/2.2/2 - Expert in – Disability Benefits, Governance, transparency and accountabilitydocumentFermé
Kosovo*23-16/KSV/2.2/1 - Expert (principal) in Rights of Disabled People, P/S making and developmentdocumentFermé
Bosnia and Herzegovina23-32/BIH/2/1 - Expert (principal) in Rights of The Child, Access to other Basic Social Services, Service delivery, P/S steering and implementationdocumentFermé
Bosnia and Herzegovina23-32/BIH/2/2 - Expert in Human Rights, Social Services, Individuals’ capacity building/trainingdocumentFermé
North Macedonia23-26/MKD/2/1 - Expert (principal) in Human Resource Management and Development, Labour Administration and Labour InspectiondocumentFermé
North Macedonia23-26/MKD/2/2 - Expert in Human Resource Management and Development, Labour Relations specialistdocumentFermé
São Tomé and Príncipe23-41/STP/2/1 - Expert (principal) in technological exchange and innovation, awareness and work in networkdocumentFermé
São Tomé and Príncipe23-41/STP/2/2 - Expert in access to finance for entrepreneurs, awareness and networkingdocumentFermé
São Tomé and Príncipe23-41/STP/3/1 - Expert (principal) in Policy and strategy (entrepreneurship), Governance, transparency and responsibility, management and administration of organizationsdocumentFermé
São Tomé and Príncipe23-41/STP/3/2 - Expert in Policy and strategy (entrepreneurship), Monitoring and AssessmentdocumentFermé
Comoros23-34/COM/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Social Security and Management strategic/organizationaldocumentFermé
Comoros23-34/COM/1/2 - Expert in Social Security and Strategic/Organizational ManagementdocumentFermé
Comoros23-34/COM/1/3 - Expert (facilitator) in Social Security and Management strategic/organizationaldocumentFermé
Montenegro23-15/MNE/2/1 - Expert (principal) in Social Security Policy, (Employment) Accident Benefits, Pension Schemes, Occupational Safety and HealthdocumentFermé
Montenegro23-15/MNE/2/2 - Expert in Employment Policy, Labour PolicydocumentFermé
Kosovo*23-38/KSV/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Labour market statisticsdocumentFermé
Kosovo*23-38/KSV/1/2 - Expert in Labour market statisticsdocumentFermé
Montenegro23-36/MNE/2/1 - Expert (principal) in Occupational Safety and HealthdocumentFermé
Montenegro23-36/MNE/2/2 - Expert in Occupational Safety and HealthdocumentFermé
North Macedonia23-39/MKD/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Social Security and Information Management SystemsdocumentFermé
North Macedonia23-39/MKD/1/2 - Expert in Social Security and Information Management SystemsdocumentFermé
North Macedonia23-24/MKD/3/1 - Expert (principal) in Rights of persons with disabilities and Legislation and regulation developmentdocumentFermé
North Macedonia23-24/MKD/3/2 - Expert in disability needs assessment and social services ; Human resources management and development, Individuals’ capacity building/trainingdocumentFermé
Lebanon23-44/LBN/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Social Security Administration and Inspection - Information and Communication technology (ICT)documentFermé
Lebanon23-44/LBN/1/2 - Expert in Human Resources Management and DevelopmentdocumentFermé
Gabon23-27/GAB/2/1 - Expert (principal) in employment services, information and communication technologiesdocumentFermé
Gabon23-27/GAB/2/2 - Expert in employment services, information and communication technologies, workers with disabilities, women's workdocumentFermé
Panama22-35/PAN/4/1 - Expert (principal) in Labor insertion of people with disabilitiesdocumentFermé
Panama22-35/PAN/4/2 - Expert in Employment and vocational training policies, insertion employment and qualifications and skills of people with disabilitiesdocumentFermé
Azerbaijan22-37/AZE/3/1 - Expert (principal) in Digitalisation of Social ServicesdocumentFermé
Azerbaijan22-37/AZE/3/2 - Expert in IT systems and Data ProtectiondocumentFermé
Montenegro23-20/MNE/2/1 - Expert (principal) in organisational assessment (quality service delivery oriented)documentFermé
Montenegro23-20/MNE/2/2 - Expert in organisational assessment (communication oriented)documentFermé
Peru22-34/PER/3/1 - Expert (principal) in promotion of social dialogue policiesdocumentFermé
Peru22-34/PER/3/2 - Expert in social dialogue trainingdocumentFermé
Kosovo*23-13/KSV/3/1 - Expert (principal) in Disability assessment policiesdocumentFermé
Kosovo*23-13/KSV/3/2 - Expert on change management for disabilitydocumentFermé
Kosovo*23-33/KSV/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Green Jobs and Quantitative and Qualitative ResearchdocumentFermé
Kosovo*23-33/KSV/1/2 - Expert in Green Jobs and Labour MarketdocumentFermé
Montenegro23-07/MNE/3/1 - Expert (principal) in Social Work and Vulnerable FamiliesdocumentFermé
Montenegro23-07/MNE/3/2 - Expert in Child ProtectiondocumentFermé
Mali23-18/MAL/2/1 - Expert (principal) in Employers' organisations, social dialogue, trade unions, L/R design and developmentdocumentFermé
Mali23-18/MAL/2/2 - Expert in Employers' organisations, social dialogue, trade unions, L/R design and developmentdocumentFermé
North Macedonia23-17/NMA/3/1 - Expert (principal) in monitoring and evaluation of social services for Persons with disabilitiesdocumentFermé
North Macedonia23-17/NMA/3/2 - Expert in social services for Persons with disabilitiesdocumentFermé
Serbia23-30/SER/1/1 - Expert (principal) in occupational, safety and health (OSH)documentFermé
Serbia23-30/SER/1/2 - Expert in training and labour inspectiondocumentFermé
Serbia23-30/SER/2/1 - Expert (principal) in occupational, safety and health (OSH)documentFermé
Serbia23-30/SER/2/2 - Expert in training and labour inspectiondocumentFermé
Lebanon23-44/LEB/FFM/1 - Expert in income Guarantee Schemes; Social Security StatisticsdocumentFermé
North Macedonia23-26/NMA/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Organisational management, administration and Human ResourcesdocumentFermé
North Macedonia23-26/NMA/1/2 - Expert in Organisational management and administrationdocumentFermé
Serbia23-35/SER/1/1 - Expert (principal) in monitoring and reporting on social protection (research design oriented)documentFermé
Serbia23-35/SER/1/2 - Expert in gender, human rights and vulnerabilitydocumentFermé
Serbia23-35/SER/2/1 - Expert (principal) in monitoring and reporting on social protection (research design oriented)documentFermé
Serbia23-35/SER/2/2 - Expert in gender, human rights and vulnerabilitydocumentFermé
Serbia23-35/SER/3/1 - Expert (principal) in monitoring and reporting on social protection (research design oriented)documentFermé
Serbia23-35/SER/3/2 - Expert in gender, human rights and vulnerabilitydocumentFermé
Montenegro23-20/MNE/1/1 - Expert (principal) in human resources and M/EdocumentFermé
Montenegro23-20/MNE/1/2 - Expert in organisational assessment (change management oriented)documentFermé
Azerbaijan22-37/AZE/2/1 - Expert (principal) in Social Protection and Information SystemsdocumentFermé
Azerbaijan22-37/AZE/2/2 - Expert in Digital and Social Protection LegislationdocumentFermé
Kosovo*23-16/KSV/3/1 - Expert (principal) in Rights of persons with disabilities, P/S making and developmentdocumentFermé
Kosovo*23-16/KSV/3/2 - Expert in Disability Benefits, Governance, transparency and accountabilitydocumentFermé
Montenegro23-15/MNE/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Social Security Legislation, Social Security Policy, Pension Schemes, (Employment) Accident BenefitsdocumentFermé
Montenegro23-15/MNE/1/2 - Expert in Social Security Legislation, Social Security Policy, Pension Schemes, (Employment) Accident BenefitsdocumentFermé
Gabón23-27/GAB/1 - Experts (2) en services de l’emploi, travailleurs handicapés et travail des femmesdocumentFermé
Montenegro23-10/MNE/2/1 - Expert (principal) in Finance and ReformdocumentFermé
Montenegro23-10/MNE/2/2 - Expert in Financing of Child ProtectiondocumentFermé
North Macedonia23-24/MKD/2/1 - Expert (principal) in Rights of persons with disabilities and Legislation and regulation developmentdocumentFermé
North Macedonia23-24/MKD/2/2 - Expert in disability needs assessment and social servicesdocumentFermé
Bosnia and Herzegovina23-32/BIH/1-2/1 - Expert (principal) in –Rights of The Child, Access to other Basic Social Services, Service delivery, P/S steering and implementationdocumentFermé
Bosnia and Herzegovina23-32/BIH/1-2/2 - Expert in Human Rights, Social Services, Individuals’ capacity building/trainingdocumentFermé
Montenegro23-08/MNE/3/1 - Expert (principal) in Access to health, health policy, Governance, transparency and accountability, P/S steering and implementation, Monitoring and EvaluationdocumentFermé
Montenegro23-08/MNE/3/2 - Expert in Health policy, Governance, transparency and accountability, P/S steering and implementation, Organ. structures, roles and arrangementsdocumentFermé
North Macedonia23-17/NMA/2/1 - Expert (principal) in rights for Persons with disabilitiesdocumentFermé
North Macedonia23-17/NMA/2/2 - Expert in social services for Persons with disabilitiesdocumentFermé
Uzbekistan22-09/UZB/2/2 - Expert in Social Services; Rights of People with Disabilities, Service deliverydocumentFermé
Kosovo*23-13/KSV/2/1 - Expert (principal) in Disability assessment policiesdocumentFermé
Kosovo*23-13/KSV/2/2 - Expert on change management for disabilitydocumentFermé
Montenegro23-07/MNE/2/1 - Expert (principal) in Social Work and Vulnerable FamiliesdocumentFermé
Montenegro23-07/MNE/2/2 - Expert in Child ProtectiondocumentFermé
Cambodia23-12/CAM/2/1 - Expert (principal) in Social Security Administration and Inspection, Organ. structures, roles and arrangements, Quality assurance, inspection and auditdocumentFermé
Cambodia23-12/CAM/2/2 - Expert in Social Security, Social Assistance, Governance, transparency and accountabilitydocumentFermé
Serbia23-14/SER/2/1 - Expert (principal) in Disability Employment and TrainingdocumentFermé
Serbia23-14/SER/2/2 - Expert in provision of Employment Services for People living with DisabilitydocumentFermé
Nigeria22-30/NRA/4/2 - Expert in Employment Services, Entrepreneurship Human resources management and development; individual capacity buildingdocumentFermé
Kosovo*23-16/KSV/2/1 - Expert (principal) in Rights of persons with disabilities, P/S making and developmentdocumentFermé
Kosovo*23-16/KSV/2/2 - Expert in Disability Benefits, Governance, transparency and accountabilitydocumentFermé
Zambia23-05/ZMB/3 - Expert (principal) in Health insurance, P/S steering and implementation, organizational structures, roles and arrangementsdocumentFermé
Sao Tome and Principe23-41/STP/FFM - Expert in Youth Employment, Livelihoods/Income Generating Activities, Informal EconomydocumentFermé
North Macedonia23-17/NMA/1/1 - Expert (principal) in rights for Persons with disabilitiesdocumentFermé
North Macedonia23-17/NMA/1/2 - Expert in social services for Persons with disabilitiesdocumentFermé
Montenegro23-10/MNE/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Finance and ReformdocumentFermé
Montenegro23-10/MNE/1/2 - Expert in Financing of Child ProtectiondocumentFermé
North Macedonia23-23/NMA/1/2 - Expert in Access to other Basic Social Services, Service deliverydocumentFermé
Tanzania22-32/TNZ/3/2 - Expert in Rehabilitation; Occupational Safety and Health; Planning, budgeting and costing; Service deliverydocumentFermé
Kosovo*23-13/KSV/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Disability assessment policiesdocumentFermé
Kosovo*23-13/KSV/1/2 -Expert on Change Management for Disability documentFermé
North Macedonia23-23/NMA/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Rights of the Child, Social Security Policy, Organizational structures, roles and arrangementsdocumentFermé
North Macedonia23-23/NMA/2/1 - Expert (principal) in Rights of the Child, Social Security Policy, Organizational structures, roles and arrangementsdocumentFermé
North Macedonia23-23/NMA/2/2 - Expert in Access to other Basic Social Services, Service deliverydocumentFermé
Montenegro 23-07/MNE/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Social Work and Vulnerable FamiliesdocumentFermé
Montenegro23-07/MNE/1/2 - Expert in Child ProtectiondocumentFermé
Mali23-18/MAL/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Employers' organisations, social dialogue, trade unions, L/R design and developmentdocumentFermé
Mali23-18/MAL/1/2 - Expert in Employers' organisations, social dialogue, trade unions, L/R design and developmentdocumentFermé
North Macedonia23-22/NMA/2/2 - Expert in strategic planning (change management-oriented and M/E)documentFermé
North Macedonia23-24/NMA/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Disability Benefits and Legislation and regulation developmentdocumentFermé
North Macedonia23-24/NMA/1/2 - Expert in Disability Benefits and Service deliverydocumentFermé
Montenegro23-08/MNE/2/1 - Expert (principal) in Access to health, health policy, Governance, transparency and accountability, P/S steering and implementation, Monitoring and EvaluationdocumentFermé
Montenegro23-08/MNE/2/2 - Expert in Health policy, Governance, transparency and accountability, P/S steering and implementation, Organ. structures, roles and arrangementsdocumentFermé
Peru22-34/PER/2.2/1 - Expert (principal) in promoting social dialogue policiesdocumentFermé
Peru22-34/PER/2.2/2 - Expert in social dialogue trainingdocumentFermé
North Macedonia23-22/NMA/2/1 - Expert (principal) in strategic planning (finance-oriented)documentFermé
Montenegro23-03/MNE/3/1 - Expert in Rights of the ChilddocumentFermé
Montenegro23-03/MNE/3/2 - Expert in Rights of persons with disabilitiesdocumentFermé
Serbia23-14/SER/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Disability and EmploymentdocumentFermé
Serbia23-14/SER/1/2 - Expert in Disability Employment and TrainingdocumentFermé
Nigeria22-30/NRA/3/2 - Expert in Employment Services, Entrepreneurship Human resources management and development; individual capacity buildingdocumentFermé
Cambodia23-12/CAM/1/1 - Expert (principal) in – Social Security Administration and Inspection, Organ. structures, roles and arrangements, Quality assurance, inspection and auditdocumentFermé
Cambodia23-12/CAM/1/2 - Expert in – Social Security, Social Assistance, Governance, transparency and accountabilitydocumentFermé
Bolivia22-11/BOL/4/1 - Expert (principal) in Monitoring and EvaluationdocumentFermé
Bolivia22-11/BOL/4/2 - Expert in Capacity buildingdocumentFermé
North Macedonia23-22/NMA/1/1 - Expert (principal) in strategic planning (finance-oriented)documentFermé
North Macedonia23-22/NMA/1/2 - Expert in strategic planning (change management-oriented and M/E)documentFermé
Kazakhstan22-14/KAZ/3/1 - Expert (principal) in Social Services, Monitoring and Evaluation(M/E), Individuals’ capacity building/trainingdocumentFermé
Kazakhstan22-14/KAZ/3/2 - Expert in Public-Private Partnerships, Monitoring and Evaluation(M/E), Individuals’ capacity building/trainingdocumentFermé
Lebanon23-02/LEB/2/1 - Expert (principal) in Unified Social Register Information SystemsdocumentFermé
Lebanon23-02/LEB/2/2 - Expert in Unified Social Register Information SystemsdocumentFermé
Namibia22-36/NAM/3/1 - Expert in Design and Administration of Unemployment BenefitsdocumentFermé
Namibia22-36/NAM/3/2 - Expert in Administration and Governance of Unemployment BenefitsdocumentFermé
Montenegro23-03/MNE/2/1 - Expert in Rights of Disabled PeopledocumentFermé
Montenegro23-03/MNE/2/2 - Expert in Rights of the ChilddocumentFermé
Kosovo*23-16/KSV/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Rights of Disabled People, P/S making and developmentdocumentFermé
Kosovo*23-16/KSV/1/2 - Expert in Disability Benefits, Governance, transparency and accountabilitydocumentFermé
Kazakhstan23-19/KAZ/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Social Assistance and Minimum income schemesdocumentFermé
Kazakhstan23-19/KAZ/1/2 - Expert in Social Assistance and Child GuaranteedocumentFermé
Zambia23-05/ZMB/2/1 - Expert (principal) in Health insurance, P/S steering and implementation, organizational structures, roles and arrangementsdocumentFermé
Zambia23-05/ZMB/2/2 - Expert in information and communication technologies, health insurance, information management systemsdocumentFermé
Panama22-35/PAN/3/1 - Expert (principal) in Labor insertion of people with disabilitiesdocumentFermé
Panama22-35/PAN/3/2 - Expert in Policies for employment and vocational training, labor insertion and qualifications and aptitudes for people with disabilitiesdocumentFermé
Bolivia22-11/BOL/3/1 - Expert (principal) in Organizational capacity building and educational planningdocumentFermé
Bolivia22-11/BOL/3/2 - Expert in Capacity building in trainingdocumentFermé
Kenya 22-24/KEN/4/1 - Expert (principal) in Employment Accident Benefits (Legislation and Regulation making and development)documentFermé
Kenya22-24/KEN/4/2 - Expert in Occupational Safety and Health (Policy and Strategy making and development)documentFermé
Ecuador23-01/ECU/2/1 - Expert in Labor Inspection, workers with disabilitiesdocumentFermé
Ecuador23-01/ECU/2/2 - Expert in Labor Inspection, workers with disabilitiesdocumentFermé
Ecuador23-01/ECU/3/1 - Expert in Public Employment Service, workers with disabilitiesdocumentFermé
Ecuador23-01/ECU/3/2 - Expert in Public Employment Service, workers with disabilitiesdocumentFermé
Uruguay23-11/URU/2.1/1 - Expert (principal) in Public Employment ServicesdocumentFermé
Uruguay23-11/URU/2.1/2 - Expert in Public Employment ServicesdocumentFermé
Uruguay23-11/URU/2.2/1 - Expert (principal) in Public Employment ServicesdocumentFermé
Uruguay23-11/URU/2.2/2 - Expert in Public Employment ServicesdocumentFermé
Uruguay23-11/URU/3/1 - Expert (principal) in Public Employment ServicesdocumentFermé
Uruguay23-11/URU/3/2 - Expert in Public Employment ServicesdocumentFermé
Nigeria23-06/NRA/2/1 - Expert (principal) in Employment Services (P/S making and development, P/S steering and implementation, Service delivery)documentFermé
Nigeria23-06/NRA/2/1 - Expert (principal) in Employment Services (P/S making and development, P/S steering and implementation, Service delivery)documentFermé
Nigeria23-06/NRA/2/2 - Expert in Employment Services (P/S making and development, P/S steering and implementation, Service delivery)documentFermé
Nigeria23-06/NRA/3/1 - Expert (principal) in Employment Services (Individuals’ capacity building/training, Service delivery, P/S steering and implementation)documentFermé
Nigeria23-06/NRA/3/2 - Expert in Employment Services (Individuals’ capacity building/training, Service delivery, P/S steering and implementation)documentFermé
Peru22-34/PER/2.1/1 - Expert in social dialogue policy developmentdocumentFermé
Peru22-34/PER/2.1/2 - Expert in Social dialogue capacity building expertdocumentFermé
Montenegro23-08/MNE/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Access to health, health policy, Governance, transparency and accountability, P/S steering and implementation, Monitoring and EvaluationdocumentFermé
Montenegro23-08/MNE/1/2 - Expert in Health policy, Governance, transparency and accountability, P/S steering and implementation, Organ. structures, roles and arrangementsdocumentFermé
Zambia23-05/ZMB/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Health insurance, P/S steering and implementation, organizational structures, roles and arrangementsdocumentFermé
Zambia23-05/ZMB/1/2 - Expert in health policy, P/S steering and implementation, organizational structures, roles and arrangementsdocumentFermé
Tanzania22-32/TNZ/2/2 - Expert in Rehabilitation; Occupational Safety and Health ; Planning, budgeting and costing; Service deliverydocumentFermé
Namibia22-36/NAM/2/1 - Expert in Financial modelling of Unemployment Insurance FunddocumentFermé
Namibia22-36/NAM/2/2 - Expert in Financial management and administration of of Unemployment Insurance FunddocumentFermé
Montenegro23-03/MNE/1/1 - Expert in Rights of Disabled PeopledocumentFermé
Montenegro23-03/MNE/1/2 - Expert in Rights of the ChilddocumentFermé
Nigeria23-06/NRA/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Employment Services (Human resources management and development; Service delivery)documentFermé
Nigeria23-06/NRA/1/2 - Expert in Employment Services (Human resources management and development; Service delivery)documentFermé
Uruguay23-11/URU/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Public Employment ServicesdocumentFermé
Uruguay23-11/URU/1/2 - Expert in Public Employment ServicesdocumentFermé
Nigeria22-30/NRA/2/2 - Expert in Employment Services, Entrepreneurship Human resources management and development; individual capacity buildingdocumentFermé
Panama22-35/PAN/2/1 - Expert in Labor insertion of people with disabilitiesdocumentFermé
Panama22-35/PAN/2/2 - Expert in Policies for employment and vocational training, labor insertion and qualifications and aptitudes for people with disabilitiesdocumentFermé
Ecuador23-01/ECU/1.2/1 - Expert in Rights of people with disabilities, workers with disabilitiesdocumentFermé
Ecuador23-01/ECU/1.2/2 - Expert in Rights of people with disabilities, workers with disabilitiesdocumentFermé
Nigeria22-29/NRA/3/1 - Expert in Employment services, Organ. structures, roles and arrangements, Service deliverydocumentFermé
Nigeria22-29/NRA/3/2 - Expert in Labour market, labour policy, Organ. structures, roles and arrangements, Service deliverydocumentFermé
Azerbaijan22-37/AZE/1/1 - Expert in DigitalisationdocumentFermé
Azerbaijan22-37/AZE/1/2 - Expert in Social ServicesdocumentFermé
Kosovo23-09/KSV/1/1 - Expert in Health insurance legislationdocumentFermé
Kosovo23-09/KSV/1/2 - Expert in Public health economydocumentFermé
Costa Rica22-33/CRI/2 - Experts (2) in Human Resources Management and Development; Elaboration and development of Policy and strategydocumentFermé
Kenya22-24/KEN/3/1 - Expert (principal) in Employment Accident Benefits (Legislation and Regulation making and development)documentFermé
Kenya22-24/KEN/3/2 - Expert in Occupational Safety and Health (Policy & Strategy making and development)documentFermé
Ecuador23-01/ECU/1.1/1 - Expert in Rights of people with disabilities, workers with disabilitiesdocumentFermé
Ecuador23-01/ECU/1.1/2 - Expert in Rights of people with disabilities, workers with disabilitiesdocumentFermé
Kenya22-19/KEN/3/1 - Expert in youth employment and employment servicesdocumentFermé
Kenya22-19/KEN/3/2 - Expert in training for youth employmentdocumentFermé
Ukraine22-16/UKR/3/1 - Expert in Livelihoods/Income Generating Activities, Economic and Social Rights, Labour LegislationdocumentFermé
Ukraine22-16/UKR/3/2 - Expert in Livelihoods/Income Generating Activities, Economic and Social Rights, Labour LegislationdocumentFermé
Ukraine22-16/UKR/3/3 - Expert in Livelihoods/Income Generating Activities, Economic and Social Rights, Labour LegislationdocumentFermé
Peru22-34/PER/1/1 - Expert in social dialogue policy developmentdocumentFermé
Peru22-34/PER/1/2 - Expert in Social dialogue capacity building expertdocumentFermé
Kazakhstan22-17/KAZ/3/2 - Expert in Labour Legislation; Non-Standard Forms Of Employment (digital platform work); Laws and regulations making and developmentdocumentFermé
Moldova21-26/MDA/4/2 - Expert in Youth Employment, Employment Services; Individuals’ capacity building/trainingdocumentFermé
Kazakhstan21-24/KAZ/3 - Expert in Rights of The Child; Organisational structures, roles and arrangements; Service deliverydocumentFermé
Panama22-35/PAN/1/1 - Expert in Labor insertion of people with disabilitiesdocumentFermé
Panama22-35/PAN/1/2 - Expert in Rights of people with disabilities; Elaboration and development of Policies and StrategiesdocumentFermé
Namibia22-36/NAM/1/2 - Expert in Unemployment and COVID-related BenefitsdocumentFermé
Namibia22-36/NAM/1/1 - Expert in Unemployment and COVID-related BenefitsdocumentFermé
Kenya22-25/KEN/2 - Experts (2) in Unemployment Benefits (2.1 Legislation / Regulation making and development)documentFermé
Togo22-27/TGO/3/1 - Expert en Gestion et développement des ressources humaines, Renforcement des capacités/formation des individusdocumentFermé
Togo22-27/TGO/3/2 - Expert en Gestion et développement des ressources humaines, Renforcement des capacités/formation des individusdocumentFermé
Tanzania22-32/TNZ/1-2-3/1 - Expert in Rehabilitation; Occupational Safety and Health; Planning, budgeting and costing; Financial management, control and auditdocumentFermé
Tanzania22-32/TNZ/1/2 - Expert in Rehabilitation; Occupational Safety and Health ; Planning, budgeting and costing; Service deliverydocumentFermé
Nigeria22-30/NRA/1-2-3-4/1 - Expert in Employment Services, Entrepreneurship, Self-employment; Service deliverydocumentFermé
Nigeria22-30/NRA/1/2 - Expert in Employment Services, Entrepreneurship Human resources management and development; individual capacity buildingdocumentFermé
Costa Rica22-33/CRI/3 - Experts (2) in Technology of the information and communication; Human Resources Management and DevelopmentdocumentFermé
Costa Rica22-33/CRI/4 - Experts (2) in Technology of the information and communication; Human Resources Management and Development; Comunicación y Marketing SocialdocumentFermé
Kazakhstan22-20/KAZ/2/1 - Expert in Access to basic social services; Rights of People with Disabilities, Service deliverydocumentFermé
Kazakhstan22-20/KAZ/2/2 - Expert in Access to basic social services; Rights of People with Disabilities, Individual capacity buildingdocumentFermé
Lebanon23-02/LEB/1 - Expert in Social Safety NetsdocumentFermé
Kazakhstan22-14/KAZ/2/1 - Expert in Social Services, Monitoring and Evaluation, Individuals’ capacity building/trainingdocumentFermé
Kazakhstan22-14/KAZ/2/2 - Expert in Public-Private Partnerships, Monitoring and Evaluation, Individuals’ capacity building/trainingdocumentFermé
Nigeria22-29/NRA/2/1 - Expert in Employment services, Organ. structures, roles and arrangements, Service deliverydocumentFermé
Nigeria22-29/NRA/2/2 - Expert in Labour market, labour policy, Organ. structures, roles and arrangements, Service deliverydocumentFermé
Uzbekistan22-09/UZB/3/1 - Expert in Social Services, Policy and strategy making and development ; Service deliverydocumentFermé
Uzbekistan22-09/UZB/3/2 - Expert in Social Services; Rights of People with Disabilities, Service deliverydocumentFermé
Uzbekistan22-01/UZB/4/2 - Expert in Health Insurance; Planning, budgeting and costing; ProcurementdocumentFermé
Kazakhstan22-17/KAZ/2-3/1 - Expert in Labour Legislation; Non-Standard Forms Of Employment (digital platform work); Laws and regulations making and developmentdocumentFermé
Kazakhstan22-17/KAZ/2/2 - Expert in Labour Legislation; Non-Standard Forms Of Employment (digital platform work); Laws and regulations making and developmentdocumentFermé
Kenya22-24/KEN/2/1 - Expert (principal) in Employment Accident Benefits (Legislation and Regulation making and development)documentFermé
Kenya22-24/KEN/2/2 - Expert in Occupational Safety and Health (Policy & Strategy making and development)documentFermé
Costa Rica22-33/CRI/1 - Experts (2) in Human Resources Management and DevelopmentdocumentFermé
Moldova21-26/MDA/3-4/1 - Expert in Youth Employment, Employment Services; Individuals’ capacity building/trainingdocumentFermé
Moldova21-26/MDA/3/2 - Expert in Youth Employment, Employment Services; Individuals’ capacity building/trainingdocumentFermé
Mongolia22-12/MGN/3/1 - Expert in Disability-inclusive social protectiondocumentFermé
Mongolia22-12/MGN/3/2 - Expert in legislative frameworks of Disability-inclusive social protectiondocumentFermé
Kenya22-19/KEN/3.1-3.2 - Experts (2) in youth employment and employment servicesdocumentFermé
Uzbekistan22-01/UZB/4/1 - Expert in Health Insurance; Planning, budgeting and costing; ProcurementdocumentFermé
Kenya22-25/KEN/1 - Experts (2) in Unemployment Benefits (1.2.P/S making and development)documentFermé
Nigeria22-29/NRA/1/1 - Expert in Employment services, Organ. structures, roles and arrangements, Service deliverydocumentFermé
Nigeria22-29/NRA/1/2 - Expert in Labour market, labour policy, Organ. structures, roles and arrangements, Service deliverydocumentFermé
Togo22-27/TGO/2/1 - Expert en Gestion et développement des ressources humaines, Renforcement des capacités/formation des individusdocumentFermé
Togo22-27/TGO/2/2 - Expert en Gestion et développement des ressources humaines, Renforcement des capacités/formation des individusdocumentFermé
Bolivia22-11/BOL/3/2 - Experto/a en creación de capacidad organizacionaldocumentFermé
Mongolia22-12/MGN/2/1 - Expert (principal) in Disability-inclusive social protectiondocumentFermé
Mongolia22-12/MGN/2/2 - Expert in social model and human rights-based approach trainingdocumentFermé
Kazakhstan21-24/KAZ/2/2 - Expert in Rights of The Child; Individuals’ capacity building/training; Service deliverydocumentFermé
Kenya22-19/KEN/2 - Experts (2) in youth employment and employment servicesdocumentFermé
Togo22-27/TGO/1/2/3 - Experts (2) en Gestion et développement des ressources humaines, Administration et inspection de la sécurité sociale, Renforcement des capacités/formation des individus, Gestion et développement des ressources humainesdocumentFermé
Ukraine22-16/UKR/2 - Experts (3) in Livelihoods/Income Generating Activities, Economic and Social Rights - Human resources management and development, P/S steering and implementation, L/R implementation and enforcementdocumentFermé
Palestine22-07/PSE/3/1 - Expert in Social Security Administration and Inspection; Organisational management and administration documentFermé
Palestine22-07/PSE/3/2 - Expert in Social Security Administration and Inspection; Individuals’ capacity building/trainingdocumentFermé
Armenia22-10/ARM/3/2 - Expert in Organisational management and administration / Disability benefitsdocumentFermé
Togo22-05/TGO/3/2 - Expert en financement de la sécurité sociale et économie de la santédocumentFermé
Kazakhstan22-20/KAZ/1 - Experts (2) in Access to basic social services; Rights of People with Disabilities, Service deliverydocumentFermé
Kazakhstan22-17/KAZ/1 - Experts (2) in Labour Legislation, Non-Standard Forms of Employment (digital platform work), Laws and regulations making and developmentdocumentFermé
Mongolia22-23/MGN/1-2/1 - Expert in qualitative and quantitative research and analysis (pension adequacy)documentFermé
Mongolia22-23/MGN/1-2/2 - Expert in Pension SchemesdocumentFermé
Uzbekistan22-09/UZB/1/1 - Expert in Social Services, Policy and strategy making and development, Service deliverydocumentFermé
Uzbekistan22-09/UZB/1/2 - Expert in Social Services, Rights of People with DisabilitiesdocumentFermé
Azerbaijan22-08/AZE/3/1 - Expert in Employment services, Vocational training, Vocational guidance, Organ. structures, roles and arrangementsdocumentFermé
Azerbaijan22-08/AZE/3/2 - Expert in Employment services, Governance, transparency and accountabilitydocumentFermé
Ukraine22-16/UKR/3 - Experts (2) in Livelihoods/Income Generating Activities, Economic and Social Rights, Labour Legislation - Organisational management and administration, Programme/Project management, P/S making and developmentdocumentFermé
Kenya22-24/KEN/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Employment Accident Benefits (Legislation & Regulation making and development)documentFermé
Kenya22-24/KEN/1/2 - Expert in Occupational Safety and Health (Policy & Strategy making and development)documentFermé
Kazakhstan21-24/KAZ/2/1 - Expert in Rights of The Child ; Individuals’ capacity building/trainingdocumentFermé
Uzbekistan22-01/UZB/3/2 - Expert in Health Insurance; Planning, budgeting and costing; ProcurementdocumentFermé
Uzbekistan22-09/UZB/2 - Expert in Social Services; Access to basic social services Policy and strategy making and development ; Service deliverydocumentFermé
Bolivia22-11/BOL/2/2 - Experto/a en creación de capacidad organizativa y planificación financieradocumentFermé
Mongolia22-12/MGN/1/1 - Expert in Disability-inclusive social protectiondocumentFermé
Mongolia22-12/MGN/1/2 - Expert in Legislative frameworks of Disability-inclusive social protectiondocumentFermé
Kazakhstan22-14/KAZ/1-2/1 - Expert in Social Services, Monitoring and Evaluation, Individuals's capacity building/trainingdocumentFermé
Kazakhstan22-14/KAZ/1-2/2 - Expert in Public-Private Partnerships, Monitoring and Evaluation and Individuals's capacity building/trainingdocumentFermé
Kenya22-19/KEN/1 - Experts (2) in youth employment and employment servicesdocumentFermé
Mongolia22-15/MNG/1/1 - Expert in Access to other Basic Social Services - Information management systemsdocumentFermé
Mongolia22-15/MNG/1/2 - Expert in Access to other Basic Social Services - Information management systemsdocumentFermé
Nouvelle-Calédonie21-17/NCL/3-4/1 - Expert(e) en emplois verts, emplois des jeunes, élaboration et développement de politiques et stratégiesdocumentFermé
Nouvelle-Calédonie21-17/NCL/3-4/2 - Expert(e) en emplois verts, renforcement des capacités, formation des individusdocumentFermé
Armenia22-10/ARM/2/2 - Expert in Individuals’ capacity building/training / Disability benefitsdocumentFermé
Moldova21-26/MDA/2/2 - Expert in Youth Employment, Employment Services; Service deliverydocumentFermé
Bolivia22-11/BOL/1-2-3/1 - Experto/a (principal) en creación de capacidad organizativa y planificacióndocumentFermé
Bolivia22-11/BOL/1/2 - Experto/a en creación de capacidad organizativa y planificación financieradocumentFermé
Jordan22-18/JOR/1-2/1 - Expert in Health insurance, access to health, P/S making and developmentdocumentFermé
Jordan22-18/JOR/1-2/2 - Expert in Health policy, medical caredocumentFermé
Azerbaijan22-21/AZE/1-2/1 - Expert (principal) in Pension Schemes, Governance, transparency and accountability, P/S making and developmentdocumentFermé
Azerbaijan22-21/AZE/1-2/2 - Expert in Pensions Schemes, L/R implementation and enforcement, P/S making and developmentdocumentFermé
Moldova21-26/MDA/2/1 - Expert in Youth Employment, Employment Services; Service deliverydocumentFermé
Azerbaijan22-08/AZE/2/1 - Expert in Employment services, Vocational training, Vocational guidance, Organ. structures, roles and arrangementsdocumentFermé
Azerbaijan22-08/AZE/2/2 - Expert in Employment services, Governance, transparency and accountabilitydocumentFermé
Uzbekistan22-01/UZB/2/2 - Expert in Health Insurance; Planning, budgeting and costing; ProcurementdocumentFermé
Ukraine22-13/UKR/2 - Experts (2) in Social assistance, Social security, Social servicesdocumentFermé
Kazakhstan21-24/KAZ/1.2/1 - Expert in Rights of The Child ; Policy and strategydocumentFermé
Kazakhstan21-24/KAZ/1.2/2 - Expert in Rights of The Child; Organisational structures, roles and arrangementsdocumentFermé
Zambia22-02/ZMB/3/1 - Expert in Health insurance, Social Security Financing, Financial management, control and auditdocumentFermé
Zambia22-02/ZMB/3/2 - Expert in Health insurance, health policy, P&S steering and implementationdocumentFermé
Togo22-05/TGO/2/2 - Expert en Expert(e) en financement de la sécurité sociale et économie de la santédocumentFermé
Ukraine22-16/UKR/1 - Experts (2) in Labour Law, Labour Legislation - Legislation and regulation frameworkdocumentFermé
Antigua and Barbuda22-06/ATG/2 - Experts (2) in Social protection, social assistance, individual’s capacity building/trainingdocumentFermé
Antigua and Barbuda22-06/ATG/3 - Experts (2) in Social protection, social assistance, individual’s capacity building/trainingdocumentFermé
Armenia22-10/ARM/1-2-3/1 - Expert in Service delivery / Rights of Persons with disabilitiesdocumentFermé
Armenia22-10/ARM/1/2 - Expert in Individuals’ capacity building/training / Disability benefitsdocumentFermé
Ukraine22-13/UKR/1 - Experts (2) in Social assistance, Social security, Social servicesdocumentFermé
Mauritanie21-10/MRT/4/2 - Expert en Services de l’Emploi / Structures, rôles et dispositions des organesdocumentFermé
Mauritanie21-10/MRT/4/1 - Expert en Services de l’Emploi / Gestion et Développement des Ressources HumainesdocumentFermé
Antigua and Barbuda22-06/ATG/1/2 - Expert in Social Protection, Human resources management and development; Change management and FacilitationdocumentFermé
Antigua and Barbuda22-06/ATG/1/1 - Expert in Social Protection, Organ. structures, roles and arrangements, Change management and FacilitationdocumentFermé
Suriname19-31/SUR/4 - Experts (2) in Employment services / Service deliverydocumentFermé
Mauritanie21-10/MRT/3/1 - Expert en Services de l’Emploi / Gestion et Développement des Ressources HumainesdocumentFermé
Mauritanie21-10/MRT/3/2 - Expert en Services de l’Emploi / Structures, rôles et dispositions des organesdocumentFermé
Colombia21-09/COL/3/1 - Experta/o principal en Protección social y recopilación de datosdocumentFermé
Colombia21-09/COL/3/2 - Experta/o en antropología/ sociología aplicada a la protección socialdocumentFermé
Togo22-05/TGO/1-2-3/1 - Expert en santé publiquedocumentFermé
Togo22-05/TGO/1/2 - Expert en financement de la sécurité sociale / économie de la santédocumentFermé
Azerbaijan22-08/AZE/1/1 - Expert in Employment services, Vocational training, Vocational guidance, Organ. structures, roles and arrangementsdocumentFermé
Azerbaijan22-08/AZE/1/2 - Expert in Employment services, Governance, transparency and accountabilitydocumentFermé
Palestine22-07/PSE/2/1 - Expert in Social Security Administration and Inspection; Organisational management and administrationdocumentFermé
Palestine22-07/PSE/2/2 - Expert in Social Security Administration and Inspection; Individuals’ capacity building/trainingdocumentFermé
Botswana22-03/BWA/3.1/2 - Expert in Occupational Safety and Health - Policy and Strategy making and development documentFermé
Botswana22-03/BWA/3.1/1 - Expert in Employment Accident Benefits; Legislation, Regulation making and development documentFermé
Botswana22-03/BWA/3.2/1 - Expert in Employment Accident Benefits; Legislation, Regulation making and developmentdocumentFermé
Botswana22-03/BWA/3.2/2 - Expert in Occupational Safety and Health - Policy, Strategy making and developmentdocumentFermé
Ecuador21-05/ECU/3/1 - Experta/o (principal) en Deber de vigilancia, trabajo infantil, Derechos del niño documentFermé
Ecuador21-05/ECU/3/2 - Experta/o en Administración del Trabajo e Inspección, Trabajo InfantildocumentFermé
Zambia22-02/ZMB/2/1 - Expert (principal) in health insurance, access to health, PandS steering and implementation, organisational structures, roles and arrangementsdocumentFermé
Zambia22-02/ZMB/2/2 - Expert in health policy, PandS steering and implementation, organisational structures, roles and arrangementsdocumentFermé
Palestine22-07/PSE/1/2 - Expert in Social Security Administration and Inspection; Individuals’ capacity building/trainingdocumentFermé
Palestine22-07/PSE/1/1 - Expert in Social Security Administration and Inspection; Organisational management and administrationdocumentFermé
Botswana22-03/BWA/2/1 - Expert (principal) in Employment Accident Benefits; Legislation and Regulation making and developmentdocumentFermé
Botswana22-03/BWA/2/2 - Expert in Occupational Safety and Health - Policy and Strategy making and developmentdocumentFermé
Brasil21-23/BRA/3/1 - Expert (principal) in Pension Schemes, Governance, transparency and accountabilitydocumentFermé
Brasil21-23/BRA/3/2 - Expert in Pension Schemes, Legislation and regulation (LandR) frameworkdocumentFermé
Brasil21-23/BRA/4/1 - Expert (principal) in Pension Schemes, Governance, transparency and accountabilitydocumentFermé
Brasil21-23/BRA/4/2 - Expert in Pension Schemes, Financial management, control and auditdocumentFermé
Perú19-38/PER/3/1- Experto/a (principal) en Empleos verdes y colaboración públicoprivada (diálogo social)documentFermé
Perú19-38/PER/3/2 - Experto/a en Formación dual, empleos verdes y empleos para jóvenesdocumentFermé
Uzbekistan22-01/UZB/1-2-3 - Expert (principal) in Health Insurance; Planning, budgeting and costing; Service deliverydocumentFermé
Uzbekistan22-01/UZB/1 - Expert in Health Insurance; Planning, budgeting and costing; ProcurementdocumentFermé
Moldova21-26/MDA/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Youth Employment, Employment Services; Policy and strategy (PandS)documentFermé
Moldova21-26/MDA/1/2 - Expert in Youth Employment, Employment Services; Service delivery, Human resources management and developmentdocumentFermé
Costa Rica21-12/CRI/4 - Expertas/os (2) en gobierno y administración públicadocumentFermé
Panamá21-22/PAN/3/1 - Experta/o (principal) en Derechos de las personas con discapacidades; Gobernanza, transparencia y rendición de cuentasdocumentFermé
Panamá21-22/PAN/3/2 - Experta/o en Derechos de las personas con discapacidades; Elaboración y desarrollo de la Políticas y EstrategiasdocumentFermé
Cabo Verde21-16/CPV/3/1 - Especialista em mercado de trabalho; Capacitação/formação de indivíduos; Gestão e desenvolvimento dos recursos humanosdocumentFermé
Cabo Verde21-16/CPV/3/2 - Especialista em estatísticas do trabalho; Capacitação/formação de indivíduos; Métodos de investigação quantitativa e qualitativadocumentFermé
Niger20-12/NER/4 - Expert(e)s (2) en Service de l’emploi, Renforcement des capacités/formation des individus ;documentFermé
Zambia22-02/ZMB/1/1 - Expert (principal) in health insurance, access to health, PandS steering and implementation, organisational structures, roles and arrangementsdocumentFermé
Zambia22-02/ZMB/1/2- Expert in health policy, PandS steering and implementation, organisational structures, roles and arrangementsdocumentFermé
Mauritanie20-26/MRT/4/2 - Expert(e) en Services de l’emploi, Gestion et développement des ressources humainesdocumentFermé
Ecuador21-07/ECU/4/1- Experta/o (principal) en Servicios públicos de empleo y de intermediación laboraldocumentFermé
Ecuador21-07/ECU/4/2 - Experta/o en Servicios a empresas y formación de formadoresdocumentFermé
Ecuador21-05/ECU/3/1 - Experta/o (principal) en inspección del trabajodocumentFermé
Ecuador21-05/ECU/3/2 - Experta/o en normas laboralesdocumentFermé
Botswana22-03/BWA/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Employment Accident Benefits; Legislation and Regulation making and developmentdocumentFermé
Botswana22-03/BWA/1/2- Expert in Occupational Safety and Health - Legislation and Regulation making and developmentdocumentFermé
Suriname19-31/SUR/3 - Experts (2) in Employment services / Service deliverydocumentFermé
Nouvelle Calédonie21-17/NCL/1-2 - Expert(e)s en emplois verts et emploi des jeunesdocumentFermé
Burkina Faso20-32/BFA/3-4/1 - Expert(e) (principal) en Service de l’emploi, Pilotage et mise en oeuvre de la politique et stratégiedocumentFermé
Burkina Faso20-32/BFA/3-4/2 - Expert(e) en Service de l’emploi, Gestion organisationnelle et administrationdocumentFermé
Colombia20-18/COL/3-4/1 - Experta/o (principal) en análisis de datos laborales y del sector informaldocumentFermé
Colombia20-18/COL/3-4/2 - Experta/o en Servicios públicos de empleo y empleo informaldocumentFermé
Senegal21-11/SEN/3 - Expert.e.s (2) en Services d’emploi, Emploi des jeunes Gestion et développement des ressources humaines, Renforcement des capacités/formation des individusdocumentFermé
Kyrgyz Republic19-19/KGZ/2/1 - Expert (principal) in Workers with Disabilities, Policy and StrategydocumentFermé
Kyrgyz Republic19-19/KGZ/2/2 - Expert in Workers with Disabilities, Change managementdocumentFermé
Kazakhstan21-24/KAZ/1/1 - Expert in Rights of the Child and Policy and StrategydocumentFermé
Kazakhstan21-24/KAZ/1/2 - Expert in Rights of the Child, Organisational Structures, roles and arrangementsdocumentFermé
Panamá21-22/PAN/2.2/1 - Experta/o (principal) en Administración de la Seguridad Social e inspección, derechos de las personas con discapacidad, gobernanza, transparencia y rendición de cuentas y creación de capacidad/formación de los individuosdocumentFermé
Panamá21-22/PAN/2.2/2 - Experta/o en derechos de las personas con discapacidad y creación de capacidad/formación de los individuosdocumentFermé
Mauritanie20-26/MRT/4/1 - Expert(e) en Services de l’emploi, Gestion et développement des ressources humaines, Renforcement des capacité individuel/formationsdocumentFermé
Panamá21-22/PAN/1/1 - Experta/o (principal) en administración de la Seguridad Social e inspección, derechos de las personas con discapacidades, gobernanza, transparencia y rendición de cuentasdocumentFermé
Panamá21-22/PAN/1/2 - Experta/o en Derechos de las personas con discapacidades; Elaboración y desarrollo de la Políticas y EstrategiasdocumentFermé
Brasil21-23/BRA/2/1 - Expert (principal) in Pension Schemes, Governance, transparency and accountabilitydocumentFermé
Brasil21-23/BRA/2/2 - Expert in Pension Schemes, Legislation and regulation (LandR) frameworkdocumentFermé
Ecuador21-05/ECU/2 Expertas/os (2) en Inspección del trabajo y trabajo infantildocumentFermé
Togo20-27/TGO/4/2 - Expert(e) en Services de l’emploi, Emploi des jeunes, Prestation de servicesdocumentFermé
Cabo Verde21-16/CPV/2/1 - Especialista (principal) em mercado de trabalho; Capacitação/formação de indivíduos; Gestão e desenvolvimento dos recursos humanosdocumentFermé
Cabo Verde21-16/CPV/2/2 - Especialista em estatísticas do trabalho; Capacitação/formação de indivíduos; Métodos de investigação quantitativa e qualitativadocumentFermé
Ecuador21-07/ECU/3/2 - Experta/o en Comunicación de los Servicios Públicos de Empleo e intermediación del mercado laboral (estrategia de comunicación y Herramientas Digitales/WEB/Redes Sociales)documentFermé
Benin19-32/BEN/3/2 - Expert(e) en Gestion et développement des ressources ; Renforcement des capacités/formation des individusdocumentFermé
Mauritius20-35/MUS/4 - Expert in disability benefitsdocumentFermé
Brasil21-23/BRA/1/1 - Expert (principal) in Pension Schemes, Governance, transparency and accountabilitydocumentFermé
Brasil21-23/BRA/1/2 - Expert in Pension Schemes, Legislation and regulation (LandR) frameworkdocumentFermé
Panamá 21-22/PAN/2.1/1 - Experta/o (principal) en administración de la seguridad social e inspección, derechos de las personas con discapacidades, creación de capacidad/formación de los individuosdocumentFermé
Panamá21-22/PAN/2.1/2 - Experta/o en derechos de las personas con discapacidad y comunicación y marketing socialdocumentFermé
Niger20-12/NER/4/1 - Expert(e) (principal) en Service de l’emploi, Entrepreneuriat Renforcement des capacités/formation des individusdocumentFermé
Niger20-12/NER/4/2 - Expert(e) en Service de l’emploi, Collecte et traitement des données ; Renforcement des capacités/formation des individusdocumentFermé
Costa Rica21-12/CRI/3 - Expertas/os (2) en gobierno y administración públicadocumentFermé
République Démocratique du Congo20-06/DRC/4/1 - Expert(e) (principal) en gestion et administration de mutuelle de santédocumentFermé
République Démocratique du Congo20-06/DRC/4/2 - Expert/e en administration d’assurance santédocumentFermé
République Démocratique du Congo20-06/DRC/4/3 - Expert·e en financement de la sécurité sociale documentFermé
Niger20-12/NER/3/1 - Expert(e) (principal) en Service de l’emploi, Gestion et Développement des Ressources Humaines, Renforcement des capacités/formation des individusdocumentFermé
Niger20-12/NER/3/2 - Expert(e) en Service de l’emploi, Prestation des services, Renforcement des capacités/formation des individusdocumentFermé
Mauritanie20-26/MRT/3/2 - Expert(e) en Services de l'emploi, gestion et développement des ressources humainesdocumentFermé
Mauritius20-37/MUS/4/1 - Expert in Rights of people with disabilitiesdocumentFermé
Mauritius20-37/MUS/4/2 - Expert in Social Security Administration and InspectiondocumentFermé
Cameroun19-33/CMR/3 Expert(e)s (2) en Services publics de l’emploi ; emploi des jeunesdocumentFermé
Mauritanie20-08/MRT/3/2 - Expert(e) en économie, gestion d’entreprises et emploi des jeunesdocumentFermé
Mauritanie20-08/MRT/3/3 - Expert(e) en soft skillsdocumentFermé
Mauritius20-35/MUS/3 - Expert in disability benefitsdocumentFermé
Armenia20-21/ARM/3/1 - Expert (principal) in disability benefits, rights of disabled people, monitoring and evaluationdocumentFermé
Ecuador21-07/ECU/3/1 - Experta/o (principal) en Servicios públicos de empleo y de intermediación laboraldocumentFermé
Suriname19-31/SUR/2/1 - Expert (principal) in Employment Services, HR Management and developmentdocumentFermé
Suriname19-31/SUR/2/2 - Expert in Employment services / Labour Market, Service deliverydocumentFermé
Nigeria20-20/NRA/3 - Experts (2) in Access to other Basic Social Services; Information management systemsdocumentFermé
Niger0-12/NER/3/2 - Expert(e) en Service de l’emploi, Prestation des services, Renforcement des capacités/formation des individusdocumentFermé
Perú19-38/PER/2/1 - Experto/a (principal) en Empleos verdes y colaboración público-privada (diálogo social)documentFermé
Perú19-38/PER/2/2 - Experto/a en Empleos verdes y empleos para jóvenesdocumentFermé
Mauritanie20-26/MRT/3/1 - Expert(e) (principal) en Services de l’Emploi, Gestion et Développement des Ressources Humaines, Renforcement des capacités individuel/formationsdocumentFermé
Mauritanie20-26/MRT/3/2 - Expert(e) en Services de l'emploi, gestion et développement des ressources humainesdocumentFermé
République Democratique du Congo20-06/DRC/3 - Expert(e) (principal) en gestion et administration de mutuelle de santédocumentFermé
République Democratique du Congo20-06/DRC/3 - Expert(e) en administration d’assurance santédocumentFermé
Togo20-27/TGO/3 - Expert(e) en Services de l'emploi, Emploi des jeunes et développement de compétences individuellesdocumentFermé
Mauritius20-37/MUS/3/1 - Expert in Rights of people with disabilitiesdocumentFermé
Mauritius20-37/MUS/3/2 - Expert in Social Security Administration and InspectiondocumentFermé
Costa Rica21-12/CRI/2 - Expertas/os (2) en Gobierno y administración públicadocumentFermé
Cabo Verde21-16/CPV/1/1 - Especialista em mercado de trabalho; Desenvolvimento de politicas e estrategiasdocumentFermé
Cabo Verde21-16/CPV/1/2 - Especialista em estatísticas do trabalho; Gestão e administração organizacional, Gestão e facilitação da mudançadocumentFermé
Senegal21-11/SEN/2 - Expert(e)s (2) en Services d’emploi, Emploi des jeunes, Qualification professionnelle, Prestation de services; Gestion et développement des ressources humainesdocumentFermé
Perú9-38/PER/2/1 - Experto/a (principal) en Empleos verdes y colaboración público-privada (diálogo social)documentFermé
Colombia21-09/COL/2/1 - Experta/o (principal) en Protección social y recopilación de datosdocumentFermé
Colombia21-09/COL/2/2 - Experta/o en antropología/ sociología aplicada a la protección socialdocumentFermé
Colombia20-18/COL/2/1 - Experta/o (principal) en análisis de datos laborales y del sector informaldocumentFermé
Colombia20-18/COL/2/2 - Experta/o en Servicios públicos de empleo e empleo informaldocumentFermé
Burkina Faso20-32/BFA/2 - Expert(e) (principal) en Service de l’emploi, Élaboration et développement de la Politique et StratégiedocumentFermé
Burkina Faso20-32/BFA/2 - Expert(e) (principal) en Service de l’emploi, Élaboration et développement de la Politique et StratégiedocumentFermé
Burkina Faso20-32/BFA/2 - Expert(e) en Service de l’emploi, Gestion organisationnelle et administrationdocumentFermé
Cameroun19-33/CMR/2 - Expert(e) en Services publics de l’emploi ; emploi des jeunesdocumentFermé
Nouvelle Calédonie21-17/NCL/1/1 - Expert(e) en emplois verts et emploi des jeunesdocumentFermé
Nouvelle Calédonie21-17/NCL/1/2-3 - Expert(e)s (2) en emplois vertsdocumentFermé
Kyrgyz Republic19-19/KGZ/4 - Expert (principal) in Workers with Disabilities, CommunicationdocumentFermé
Kyrgyz Republic19-19/KGZ/4 - Expert in Workers with Disabilities, Change managementdocumentFermé
Mauritius20-37/MUS/2 - Expert in Rights of the people with disabilitiesdocumentFermé
Cambodia20-09/KHM/3 - Expert (principal) in Disability-inclusive social protectiondocumentFermé
Cambodia20-09/KHM/3 - Expert in Legislative frameworks of Disability-inclusive social protectiondocumentFermé
Nigeria20-20/NRA/2 - Expert (principal) in Monitoring and Evaluation (MandE); Human resources management and developmentdocumentFermé
Nigeria20-20/NRA/2 - Expert in Monitoring and Evaluation (MandE) and Individuals’ capacity building/trainingdocumentFermé
Mauritius20-35/MUS/1 - Expert in Rights of disabled people and disability benefitsdocumentFermé
Benin19-32/BEN/2-3 - Expert(e) (principal) en Administration du travail, Gouvernance, transparence et responsabilité ; Renforcement des capacités/formation des individusdocumentFermé
Benin19-32/BEN/2-3 - Expert(e) en Gestion et développement des ressources humaines ; Gestion et facilitation du changement ; Renforcement des capacités/formation des individusdocumentFermé
Nouvelle Calédonie21-17/NCL/1 - Expert(e) en emplois verts et emploi des jeunesdocumentFermé
Nouvelle Calédonie21-17/NCL/1 - Expert(e) en emplois vertsdocumentFermé
Ecuador21-07/ECU/2-3 - Experta/o (principal) en Servicios públicos de empleo y de intermediación laboraldocumentFermé
Ecuador21-07/ECU/2-3 - Experto/a en Comunicación de los Servicios Públicos de Empleo e intermediación del mercado laboral (estrategia de comunicación y Herramientas Digitales/WEB/Redes Sociales)documentFermé
Costa Rica21-12/CRI/1 - Expertas/os (2) en gobierno y administración públicadocumentFermé
Togo20-27/TGO/2-3-4 - Expert(e) (principal) en Services de l’emploi, Marché du travail ; Compétences, Renforcement des capacités/formation des individus ; Gestion et développement des ressources humainesdocumentFermé
Togo20-27/TGO/2-3-4 - Expert(e) en Services de l’emploi, Emploi des jeunes ; Compétences : Prestation de services ; Gestion et développement des ressources humainesdocumentFermé
Mauritanie20-08/MRT/2-3 - Expert(e) principal(e) en ingénierie de la formation et animation de formationsdocumentFermé
Mauritanie20-08/MRT/2 - Expert(e) en économie, gestion d’entreprises et emploi des jeunesdocumentFermé
Mauritanie20-08/MRT/2 - Expert(e) en soft skillsdocumentFermé
Senegal21-11/SEN/1 - Expert(e) 1 (principal) en Services de l’emploi, Emploi des jeunes, Prestation de services; Gestion et développement des ressources humainesdocumentFermé
Senegal21-11/SEN/1 - Expert(e) en Services de l’emploi, Emploi des jeunes, Prestation de services; Gestion et développement des ressources humainesdocumentFermé
Republique Democratique Du Congo20-06/DRC/2 - Expert(e) (principal) en Assurance maladiedocumentFermé
Republique Democratique Du Congo20-06/DRC/2 - Expert(e) en Financement de la sécurité socialedocumentFermé
Armenia20-21/ARM/2 - Expert in Disability benefits, Service deliverydocumentFermé
Armenia20-21/ARM/2-3 - Expert (principal) in Rights of Disabled People, Disability benefitsdocumentFermé
Peru19-38/PER/1-2-3 - Experta/o (principal) en Empleos verdes y colaboración público-privada (dialogo social)documentFermé
Peru19-38/PER/1 - Experta/o en Diálogo social y gestión de conflictosdocumentFermé
Mauritius20-37/MUS/4 - Expert in Rights of the disabled peopledocumentFermé
Ecuador21-05/ECU/1 - Experta/o en Trabajo Infantil y derechos del niñodocumentFermé
Ecuador21-05/ECU/1 - Experta/o en derechos del niñodocumentFermé
Armenia20-21/ARM/3 - Expert in Disability benefits, Service deliverydocumentFermé
Mauritius20-35/MUS/1-2-3-4 - Expert (principal) in Rights of disabled people and disability benefitsdocumentFermé
Mauritius20-35/MUS/1 - Expert in Rights of disabled people and disability benefitsdocumentFermé
Mauritanie20-26/MRT/2 - Expert(e) (principal) en Services de l’Emploi, Gestion et Développement des Ressources Humaines, Renforcement des capacités individuel/formationsdocumentFermé
Mauritanie20-26/MRT/2 - Expert(e) en Services de L’emploi, Gestion et développement des ressources humainesdocumentFermé
Mauritanie21-10/MRT/2 - Expert(e) (principal) en Administration du Travail ; Gouvernance, transparence et redevabilitédocumentFermé
Mauritanie21-10/MRT/2 - Expert(e) en Administration du Travail ; Gouvernance, transparence et redevabilité, Gestion organisationnelle et administrative, Structures, rôles et dispositions des organesdocumentFermé
Burkina Faso20-32/BFA/1 - Expert(e) (principal) en Service de l’emploi, Élaboration et développement de la Politique et StratégiedocumentFermé
Burkina Faso20-32/BFA/1 - Expert(e) en Service de l’emploi, Gestion organisationnelle et administrationdocumentFermé
Mauritius20-37/MUS/3 - Expert in Rights of the disabled peopledocumentFermé
Togo19-16/TGO/4 - Expert(e) (principal) en Ingénierie de la formation, formation professionnelle (Moodle)documentFermé
Togo19-16/TGO/4 - Expert(e) en Politiques de l’emploi et du marché de travail, formation (Moodle)documentFermé
Thailand21-18/THA/1 - Expert in Social Health ProtectiondocumentFermé
Thailand21-18/THA/1 - Expert in Social Health FinancingdocumentFermé
Ecuador21-07/ECU/1-2-3-4 - Experta/o (principal) en Servicios públicos de empleo y de intermediación laboraldocumentFermé
Ecuador21-07/ECU/1 - Experta/o en Servicios públicos de empleo y de intermediación laboraldocumentFermé
Perú9-38/PER/1-2-3 - Experta/o (principal) en Empleos verdes y colaboración público-privada (dialogo social)documentFermé
Perú9-38/PER/1 - Experta/o en Diálogo social y gestión de conflictosdocumentFermé
Costa Rica21-12/CRI/FFM - Experta/o (principal) en gestión de los recursos humanos/procesos de reclutamiento de personal públicodocumentFermé
Costa Rica21-12/CRI/FFM - Experta/o en gestión de los recursos humanos/procesos de reclutamiento de personal docentedocumentFermé
Tanzania 20-19 20-19/TNZ/2 - Expert (principal) in Access to Education; Access to basic servicesdocumentFermé
Tanzania20-19/TNZ/2 - Expert in Rights of the ChilddocumentFermé
Cambodia20-09/KHM/3 - Expert (principal) in Disability-inclusive social protectiondocumentFermé
Cambodia20-09/KHM/3 - Expert in Legislative frameworks of Disability-inclusive social protectiondocumentFermé
Mauritius20-37/MUS/1 - Expert in Rights of the disabled peopledocumentFermé
Mauritius20-37/MUS/1-2-3-4 - Expert (principal) in Rights of disabled people and disability benefitsdocumentFermé
Ecuador21-03/ECU/1 - Experta/o (principal) en Diálogo social y gestión de los conflictos en el ámbito laboral documentFermé
Ecuador21-03/ECU/1 - Experta/o en Diálogo social y mediación laboraldocumentFermé
Colombia20-18/COL/1 - Experta/o en análisis de datos del sector informal y del empleodocumentFermé
Colombia21-09 21-09/COL/1 - Experta/o en protección social en el sector informaldocumentFermé
Peru20-34/PER/1- Experta/o (principal) en diálogo social y gestión de los conflictos en el ámbito laboraldocumentFermé
Peru20-34/PER/1 - Experta/o en diálogo socialdocumentFermé
Armenia20-21/ARM/2-3 - Expert (principal) in Rights of Disabled People, Disability benefitsdocumentFermé
Armenia20-21/ARM/2 - Expert in Disability benefits, Service deliverydocumentFermé
Burkina Faso20-32/BFA/1 - Expert(e) (principal) en Service de l’emploi, Élaboration et développement de la Politique et StratégiedocumentFermé
Burkina Faso20-32/BFA/1 - Expert(e) en Service de l’emploi, Gestion organisationnelle et administrationdocumentFermé
Gabon20-13/GAB/2 - Expert(e)s (2) en Assurance qualité, inspection et audit ; Renforcement des capacités/formation des individusdocumentFermé
Niger20-12/NER/2 - Expert(e)s (2) en Service de l’emploi, l’emploi, Gestion et Développement des Ressources HumainesdocumentFermé
Armenia 20-23/ARM/1 - Expert (principal) in Rights of Disabled PeopledocumentFermé
Armenia20-23/ARM/1 - Expert in disability benefitsdocumentFermé
Kyrgyz Republic19-19/KGZ/3 - Expert (principal) in Workers with Disabilities, Education and trainingdocumentFermé
Kyrgyz Republic19-19/KGZ/3 - Expert in Workers with DisabilitiesdocumentFermé
Togo20-27/TGO/1 - Expert(e) (principal) en: Services de l’emploi, Emploi des jeunes ; Compétences : Prestation de services ; Gestion et développement des ressources humainesdocumentFermé
Togo20-27/TGO/1 - Expert(e) en : Services de l’emploi, Emploi des jeunes ; Compétences : Prestation de services ; Gestion et développement des ressources humainesdocumentFermé
Suriname19-31/SUR/1 - Expert (principal) in Human resources management and development OR Individuals’ capacity building/trainingdocumentFermé
Suriname19-31/SUR/1 - Expert in Employment services / Labour Market, Service deliverydocumentFermé
Congo, The Democratic Republic of20-06/RDC/1 - Expert en Santé publiquedocumentFermé
Congo, The Democratic Republic of20-06/RDC/1 - Expert en Mutuelles de santé et assurance santédocumentFermé
Nigeria20-22/NRA/1 - Expert in Individual capacity building and Service deliverydocumentFermé
Togo20-29/TGO/1 - Expert(e)s (2) en Services publics de l’emploi ; emploi des jeunesdocumentFermé
Armenia20-25/ARM/1 - Expert (principal) in Rights of Disabled PeopledocumentFermé
Armenia20-25/ARM/1 - Expert in disability benefitsdocumentFermé
Togo19-16/TGO/4- Expert(e) (principal) en Politiques de l’emploi et du marché de travail, formation professionnelledocumentFermé
Togo19-16/TGO/4- Expert(e) en Ingénierie de la formation et la formation professionnelledocumentFermé
Mauritanie20-26/MRT/1 - Expert(e) (principal) – Services de l’Emploi, outils de diagnostic organisationnel et opérationnel des SPE et de développement des compétences managériales / Organisation, structures, rôles et habitudesdocumentFermé
Mauritanie20-26/MRT/1 - Expert(e) en Services de L’emploi, formation de managers au sein des SPE et thème de la gouvernance et du partenariat / Gestion et développement des ressources humainesdocumentFermé
Mauritanie21-10/MRT/1 - Expert(e) (principal) en Administration du Travail, Gestion organisationnelle et administrative, Structures, rôles et dispositions des organesdocumentFermé
Mauritanie21-10/MRT/1 - Expert(e) en Administration du Travail , Gestion organisationnelle et administrative, Structures, rôles et dispositions des organesdocumentFermé
Gabon20-15/GAB/2- Expert(e)s (2) en Élaboration et développement de la Politique and Stratégie pour les agents de l’EtatdocumentFermé
Guinea-Bissau20-31/GNB/1- [PT/FR] Especialista em Protecção Social e Governação da SaúdedocumentFermé
Guinea-Bissau20-31/GNB/1- [PT/FR] Especialista em economia da saúdedocumentFermé
Benin19-32/BEN/1 - Expert(e) principal en Gestion et développement des ressources humainesdocumentFermé
Benin19-32/BEN/1 - Expert(e) en Prestation de services et Gestion et développement des ressources humainesdocumentFermé
Tanzania19-35/TNZ/2- Expert 1 (principal) in Policy and Strategy making and development /Labour administrationdocumentFermé
Tanzania19-35/TNZ/2 - Expert in Policy and Strategy making and development /OSH, rehabilitationdocumentFermé
Tanzania20-19/TNZ/2 - Expert (principal) in Access to Education; Access to basic servicesdocumentFermé
Peru18-09/PER/3.2 - Experta/o 1 (principal) MandE de la implementación de los Lineamientos Nacionales de Políticas de la Formación Profesional en un Gobierno RegionaldocumentFermé
Peru18-09/PER/3.2 - Experta/o 2 en MandE de la implementación de los Lineamientos Nacionales de Políticas de la Formación Profesional en un Gobierno RegionaldocumentFermé
Nigeria19-13/NRA/4.2 - Experts (2) in Individual's capacity building and trainingdocumentFermé
Tanzania20-03/TNZ/2-Expert in Information And Communication TechnologiesdocumentFermé
Tanzania20-03/TNZ/2 - Expert in Management Information Systems designdocumentFermé
Togo19-29/TGO/1 - Expert(e) (principal) en Dialogue socialdocumentFermé
Togo19-29/TGO/1 - Expert(e) en Dialogue social / Droit de travaildocumentFermé
Armenia20-21/ARM/1 - Expert (principal) in Rights of Disabled PeopledocumentFermé
Armenia20-21/ARM/1- Expert in disability benefitsdocumentFermé
Armenia20-24/ARM/1 - Experts (2) in disability benefitsdocumentFermé
Kyrgyz Republic19-19/KGZ/1 - Experts (2) in Workers with disabilitiesdocumentFermé
Niger20-12/NER/1- Expert(e) 1 (principal) en Service de l’emploidocumentFermé
Niger20-12/NER/1 - Expert(e) 2 en Service de l’emploidocumentFermé
Nigeria 20-20 20-20/NRA/1.1-1.2 - Expert 1 (principal) in Individuals’ capacity building/trainingdocumentFermé
Nigeria20-20/NRA/1.1-1.2 - Expert in Research (qualitative-quantitative methods and approaches)documentFermé
Uruguay19-18/URY/2- Experto 1 (principal) en Políticas de empleo verdes enfocados a los jóvenesdocumentFermé
Uruguay19-18/URY/2 - Experto en Enfoque sectorial de promoción de empleo en agricultura orgánica, agricultura sustentable u eco-agricultura.documentFermé
Cambodia20-09/KHM/2 - Expert in Legislative frameworks of Disability-inclusive social protectiondocumentFermé
Cambodia 20-09/KHM/2 - Expert in Disability-inclusive social protectiondocumentFermé
Peru18-07/PER/4 - Experta/o en Políticas de formación profesional y promoción de la formación Dual y en la realización de planes de comunicación usando las redes sociales.documentFermé
Peru18-07/PER/4 - Experta/o 1 (principal) en Políticas de formación profesional y formación dual.documentFermé
Peru18-09/PER/3.2- Experta/o (principal) MandE de la implementación de los Lineamientos Nacionales de Políticas de la Formación Profesional en un Gobierno RegionaldocumentFermé
Peru18-09/PER/3.2- Experta/o en MandE de la implementación de los Lineamientos Nacionales de Políticas de la Formación Profesional en un Gobierno RegionaldocumentFermé
Benin17-34/BEN/3- Expert(e) en Services publics de l’emploi ; emploi des jeunes ; organisation et offres de services en termes d’accès à l’emploi, de formation, d’entreprenariat ; organisation du travaildocumentFermé
Benin17-34/BEN/3- Expert(e) en Services publics de l’emploi ; Organisation de la mise en oeuvre de politiques de l’emploi et d’insertion professionnelle; Formation de formateurs ; formalisation de plans de formation interne aux structures SPEdocumentFermé
Mexico19-34/MEX/2 -Experto/a en Políticas educativas y escolaresdocumentFermé
Mexico19-34/MEX/2- Experto/a en Políticas y herramientas de protección y de promoción de los derechos de la Niñez en entorno escolardocumentFermé
Peru19-38/PER/FFM- Expertas/os (2) en empleos verdes y diálogo socialdocumentFermé
Gabon20-15/GAB/1 - Expert(e) en Renforcement des capacités/formation des individusdocumentFermé
Gabon 20-15/GAB/1 - Expert(e) en Élaboration et développement de la Politique and StratégiedocumentFermé
Mauritania, Islamic Republic of20-26/MRT/FFM - Expert (e) principal(e) en Services de l’Emploi, outils de diagnostic organisationnel et opérationnel des SPE et de développement des compétences managériales.documentFermé
Mauritania, Islamic Republic of20-26/MRT/FFM - Expert (e) en Employment Services, formation de managers au sein des SPE et thème de la gouvernance et du partenariat.documentFermé
Mauritania, Islamic Republic of20-08/MRT/1- 2 en Services publics de l’emploi ; emploi des jeunes ; Gestion et développement des ressources humaines, Prestation de servicesdocumentFermé
Tanzania20-05/TNZ/2-Expert in Executive management of knowledge-based organizationsdocumentFermé
Tanzania 20-05/TNZ/2-Expert in Educational policiesdocumentFermé
Tanzania, United Republic of 19-35/TNZ/2 - Expert in Law and administration of work injuries and occupational diseases insurance schemesdocumentFermé
Tanzania, United Republic of 19-35/TNZ/2- Expert in Rehabilitation policies related to work injuries and occupational diseasesdocumentFermé
Burkina Faso18-24/BKN/4 - Expert(e) en Services publics de l'emploi, Gestion des ressources humaines and formation d’adultesdocumentFermé
Burkina Faso18-24/BKN/4 - Expert(e) en Éducation et formation, Gestion des ressources humaines and formation d’adultesdocumentFermé
Gabon20-13/GAB/1- Expert(e) en Planification, budgétisation et calcul des coûtsdocumentFermé
Gabon20-13/GAB/1 - Expert(e) en Assurance qualité, inspection et auditdocumentFermé
Tanzania, United Republic of20-19/TNZ/1 - Expert in Access to Education; Access to basic servicesdocumentFermé
Tanzania, United Republic of20-19/TNZ/1- Expert in Social Security Administration and InspectiondocumentFermé
Peru 18-06/PER/4 - Expertos/as en Orientación profesional, Formación Profesional, Capacitación LaboraldocumentFermé
Cameroon 19-33/CMR/1- 2 Experts en Services publics de l’emploi et emploi des jeunesdocumentFermé
Nigeria 20-22/NGA/1-Expert in Education and TrainingdocumentFermé
Nigeria 20-22/NGA/1-Expert in Social ServicesdocumentFermé
Peru18-08/PER/3- Experto/a en Políticas de formación profesional y promoción de la capacitación dualdocumentFermé
Peru 18-08/PER/3 - Experto/a en Políticas de capacitación en competencias para la empleabilidaddocumentFermé
Colombia20-18/COL/FFM-Experto/a en Empleo informaldocumentFermé
Colombia 20-18/COL/FFM-Experto/a en Acceso a la proteccion socialdocumentFermé
Rwanda20-28/RWA/1-Expert in Survey, data collecting and data analysisdocumentFermé
Colombia19-02/COL/3 - Experto/a en Gestión de datos en ámbito publicodocumentFermé
Colombia19-02/COL/3 - Experto/a en políticas de asistencia social y reducción de la vulnerabilidaddocumentFermé
Nigeria19-13/NGA/4.2 - 2 Experts in Occupational Safety and Health prevention policies (road and traffic)documentFermé
Palestinian Authority20-11/WGB/1.1 - Expert in Organizational capacities for public administrationsdocumentFermé
Palestinian Authority20-11/WGB/1.1 - Expert in Individual capacities for public administrationsdocumentFermé
Thailand19-21/THA/1 - Expert in informal employment and social dialoguedocumentFermé
Thailand19-21/THA/1 - Expert in informal sector and Employment data analysisdocumentFermé
Thailand19-21/THA/1 - National Expert in Employment data analysis and employment diagnosticdocumentFermé
Peru 18-09/PER/3.1 - 2 Expertos/as en diseño de instrumentos de evaluación y monitoreo de la implementación de los Lineamientos Nacionales de Políticas de Formación ProfesionaldocumentFermé
Tanzania, United Republic of19-35/TZN/1 - Experts in Law and administration of work injuries and occupational diseases insurance schemesdocumentFermé
Tanzania, United Republic of19-35/TZN/1 - Experts in Medical rehabilitation of work injuries and occupational diseasesdocumentFermé
Tanzania, United Republic of20-03/TZN/1 - Expert in Management Information Systems designdocumentFermé
Tanzania, United Republic of20-03/TZN/1 - Expert in Educational policiesdocumentFermé
Congo, Democratic Republic of20-06/RDC/1 - Expert(e) en Mutuelles de santé et assurance santédocumentFermé
Congo, Democratic Republic of20-06/RDC/1 - Expert(e) en Santé publiquedocumentFermé
Benin17-34/BEN/3 - Expert(e) en Services publics de l’emploi ; emploi des jeunes ; organisation et offres de services en termes d’accès à l’emploi, de formation, d’entreprenariat ; organisation du travaildocumentFermé
Benin17-34/BEN/3 - Expert(e) en Services publics de l’emploi ; Organisation de la mise en oeuvre de politiques de l’emploi et d’insertion professionnelle; Formation de formateurs ; formalisation de plans de formation interne aux structures SPEdocumentFermé
Cambodia 2020-09/KHM/1-Expert in international disability policies documentFermé
Cambodia 2020-09/KHM/1- Expert in social protection in disability policiesdocumentFermé
Palestinian Authority19-24/WGB/1 - Expert in Multi-dimensional poverty analysisdocumentFermé
Palestinian Authority19-24/WGB/1 - Expert in Poverty-reduction strategies, including cash transfersdocumentFermé
Peru18-07/PER/3.2 - Experto/a en Políticas de formación profesional y formación dualdocumentFermé
Peru18-07/PER/3.2 - Experto/a en Políticas de formación profesional, promoción de la formación dual y realización de planes de comunicación usando las redes socialesdocumentFermé
Côte d'Ivoire18-22/CIV/4 - Expert Formateur de formateursdocumentFermé
Côte d'Ivoire 18-22/CIV/4 - Expert en organisation de la formation professionnelle techniquedocumentFermé
Tanzania, United Republic of20-05/TZN/1 - Expert in Executive management of knowledge-based organizationsdocumentFermé
Tanzania, United Republic of20-05/TZN/1 - Expert in Educational policiesdocumentFermé
Congo, Democratic Republic of20-06/RDC/1 - Expert en Mutuelles de santé et assurance santédocumentFermé
Congo, Democratic Republic of20-06/RDC/1 - Expert en Santé publiquedocumentFermé
Palestinian Authority19-25/WGB/2 - Expert in Social protection policydocumentFermé
Peru18-23/PER/4 - Experto/a en Políticas de empleo y de formación profesional, inserción laboral y cualificaciones y aptitudes de las personas con discapacidaddocumentFermé
Peru18-23/PER/4 - Experto/a en Servicios públicos de empleo y de intermediación laboral dirigidos a las personas con discapacidaddocumentFermé
Palestinian Authority19-24/WGB/1 - Expert in Poverty-reduction strategies, including cash transfersdocumentFermé
Palestinian Authority19-24/WGB/1 - Expert in Multi-dimensional poverty analysisdocumentFermé
Palestinian Authority19-25/WGB/3- Expert in Social protection policydocumentFermé
Palestinian Authority19-25/WGB/3 - Expert in Monitoring and Evaluation of social policies and programmesdocumentFermé
Brazil2018-31/BRA/1- Expert in decent work standards and duty of vigilance in value chainsdocumentFermé
Brazil2018-31/BRA/1 - Expert in legislation on decent work standards in supply chains and fundamental rights at workdocumentFermé
Cameroun19-33/CMR/2 - Expert(e)s (2) en Services publics de l’emploi ; emploi des jeunesdocumentFermé
Palestinian Authority19-25/WGB/2 - Expert in Monitoring and Evaluation of social policies and programmesdocumentFermé
Palestinian Authority19-25/WGB/2 - Expert in Institutional capacity-buildingdocumentFermé
Mexico19-34/MEX/1 - Experto/a en Asistencia social en el marco de políticas y programas de protección de la NiñezdocumentFermé
Mexico19-34/MEX/1 - Juristas en el marco de políticas y programas de protección de la NiñezdocumentFermé
Congo, The Democratic Republic of20-06/RDC/1 - Expert en Mutuelles de santé et assurance santédocumentFermé
Togo20-29/TGO/1 - Expert(e)s (2) en Services publics de l’emploi ; emploi des jeunesdocumentFermé
Côte d'Ivoire18-22/CIV/3 - Expert/e en politiques publiques de l’emploi et de la formation professionnelledocumentFermé
Côte d'Ivoire18-22/CIV/3 - Expert/e en formation professionnelle technique, en alternance et insertion professionnelledocumentFermé
Peru18-07/PER/3 - Experto/a en políticas de formación profesional y formación dualdocumentFermé
Peru18-07/PER/3 - Experto/a en políticas de formación profesional y promoción de la formación dualdocumentFermé
Colombia19-02/COL/3 - Experto/a en Gestión de datos en ámbito publicodocumentFermé
Colombia19-02/COL/3 - Experto/a en políticas de asistencia social y reducción de la vulnerabilidaddocumentFermé
Tanzania19-35/TZN/FFM - Expert in Occupational safety and healthdocumentFermé
Tanzania20-19/TNZ/2 - Expert in Rights of the ChilddocumentFermé
Colombia19-02/COL/2.2 - Experto/a 2: políticas de asistencia social y reducción de la vulnerabilidaddocumentFermé
Colombia 19-02/COL/2.2 - Experto/a 1: Asistencia psico-social de poblaciones vulnerablesdocumentFermé
Palestinian Authority19-25/WGB/1 - Expert in Monitoring and Evaluation of social policies and programmesdocumentFermé
Palestinian Authority 19-25/WGB/1 - Expert in Social protection policydocumentFermé
Peru19-01/PER/4 - 2 Experts in Social Security and Micro finance and micro insurancedocumentFermé
Peru18-06/PER/3 - 2 Expertos/as en Orientación Profesional, Formación Profesional, Capacitación LaboraldocumentFermé
Mexico18-18/MEX/4 - 2 Experts in Social SecuritydocumentFermé
Nigeria19-13/NGA/4 - 2 Experts in Occupational Safety and Health policiesdocumentFermé
Nigeria19-13/NGA/4 - 2 Experts in Occupational Safety and Health prevention policies (road and traffic)documentFermé
Togo19-16/TGO/2 - 2 Expert(e)s en politiques de l’emploi et du marché du travail, formation professionnelle, appui aux entreprisesdocumentFermé
Togo19-16/TGO/2 - Expert(e) en ingénierie de la formation professionnelledocumentFermé
Peru18-23/PER/3 - Experto/a en Políticas de empleo y de formación profesional, inserción laboral y cualificaciones y aptitudes de las personas con discapacidaddocumentFermé
Peru18-08/PER/2 - Experto/a en Políticas de capacitación laboral en competencias básicas y transversalesdocumentFermé
Peru18-08/PER/2 - Experto/a en psicología ocupacional, competencias básicas y transversales, con 5 años de experienciadocumentFermé
Burkina Faso18-24/BKN/3 - 2 Experts in intermediation and labour market guidance servicesdocumentFermé
Peru18-09/PER/2 - 2 Especialistas en diseño de instrumentos de evaluación y monitoreo de políticas de formación profesionaldocumentFermé
Peru19-01/PER/4 - 2 Experts in Social Security and Micro finance and micro insurancedocumentFermé
Guinée Conakry17-35/GUICNY/3 - 2 Experts in Communication from the Public Employment ServicesdocumentFermé
Colombia19-02/COL/2.2 - Experto/a en Asistencia psico-social de poblaciones vulnerables [Experto/a nº 1]documentFermé
Colombia19-02/COL/2.2 - Experto/a en políticas poblacionales en Colombia [Experto/a nº 3]documentFermé
Colombia19-02/COL/2.2 - Experto/a en políticas de asistencia social y reducción de la vulnerabilidad [Experto/a nº 2]documentFermé
Côte d'Ivoire19-11/CIV/3 - Expert/e en Gestion de programmes de sécurité socialedocumentFermé
Côte d'Ivoire19-11/CIV/3 Expert/e en Politiques de sécurité socialedocumentFermé
Benin17-34/BEN/2 - Expert 2 en services publics de l’emploi, organisation de la mise en œuvre de politiques de l’emploi et d’insertion professionnelle, formation de formateurs, formalisation de plans de formation interne aux structures SPEdocumentFermé
Benin17-34/BEN/2 - Expert 1 en services publics de l’emploi, emploi des jeunes, organisation et offres de services en termes d’accès à l’emploi, de formation, d’entreprenariat , organisation du travaildocumentFermé
Côte d'Ivoire19-09/CIV/3 - Expert/e en Gestion de programmes d'assistance socialedocumentFermé
Côte d'Ivoire19-09/CIV/3 - Expert/e en Politiques du tròisieme âgedocumentFermé
Côte d'Ivoire19-09/CIV/3 - Expert/e en Gestion de programmes d'assistance socialedocumentFermé
Cambodia19-26/KHM/1 - Expert in Institutional Capacity Building - Study-visit to FinlanddocumentFermé
Jordan19-20/JDN/1 Expert area of expertise: Social protection policydocumentFermé
Jordan19-20/JDN/1 Expert area of expertise: Institutional capacity buildingdocumentFermé
Gabon19-05/GAB/2.1 Expert de la Sécurité sociale en matière d'accidents du travail et maladies professionnellesdocumentFermé
Gabon19-05/GAB/2.1 Expert en Législation de la sécurité socialedocumentFermé
Peru18-23/PER/2 - Experto/a en Servicios públicos de empleo y de intermediación laboral dirigidos a las personas con discapacidaddocumentFermé
Peru18-23/PER/2 - Experto/a en políticas de empleo y de formación profesional, inserción laboral y cualificaciones y aptitudes de las personas con discapacidaddocumentFermé
Mexico18-15/MEX/3 - Jurista de la seguridad socialdocumentFermé
Mexico18-15/MEX/3 - Tutor en administración de la seguridad socialdocumentFermé
Palestinian Authority 19-24/WGB/FFM - Expert in social assistance, poverty reduction, cash transfer programmesdocumentFermé
Palestinian Authority 19-25/WGB/FFM - Expert in social protection policydocumentFermé
Mexico18-18/MEX/3 Experto en Políticas de seguridad socialdocumentFermé
Mexico18-18/MEX/3 Experto en Evaluación de seguridad socialdocumentFermé
Côte d'Ivoire18-22/CIV/1.2 Expert(e) en définition de politiques actives de promotion de l’emploi et d’intermédiation sur le marché du travaildocumentFermé
Côte d'Ivoire18-22/CIV/1.2 Expert(e) spécialisé sur les aspect de genre, et/ou de chômage de longue durée et/ou d’accessibilité au marché du travail pour les personnes en situation de handicapdocumentFermé
Côte d'Ivoire19-09/CIV/2 Expert en Administration de programmes d’assistance socialedocumentFermé
Côte d'Ivoire19-09/CIV/2 Expert en Gestion de programmes d’assistance socialedocumentFermé
Côte d'Ivoire19-11/CIV/2 Expert(e) en Politiques de sécurité socialedocumentFermé
Côte d'Ivoire19-11/CIV/2 Expert(e) en Pilotage, évaluation ou gestion de programmes de sécurité socialedocumentFermé
Perú19-01/PER/3 Experto en Seguridad SocialdocumentFermé
Perú 19-01/PER/3 Experto en Diálogo socialdocumentFermé
México19-08/MEX/3 Experto público en gestión financiera de la protección socialdocumentFermé
México19-08/MEX/3 Experto público en área jurídica de la protección socialdocumentFermé
Nigeria19-13/NIG/2 2 Experts in Occupational Safety And Health schemes ExpertsdocumentFermé
Nigeria19-13/NIG/2 2 Experts in Management of Occupational Safety and Health in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) documentFermé
Brazil2018-31/BRA/1/1 Expert in decent work standards and duty of vigilance in value chainsdocumentFermé
Brazil2018-31/BRA/1/2 Expert in legislation on decent work standards in supply chains and fundamental rights at workdocumentFermé
Togo19-16/TOG/1/1 - Expert·e promotion des emplois vertsdocumentFermé
Mexico19-08/MEX/2 Experto/a público en gestión financiera de la protección social: legislación de sistemas de pensiones y marcos legislativos de instituciones de seguridad socialdocumentFermé
Mexico19-08/MEX/2 Experto/a público en área jurídica: organización y funcionamiento de instituciones públicas de pensionesdocumentFermé
Colombia17-25/COL/3/1-2 - Experto/a principal en Servicios públicos de empleo y de intermediación laboral documentFermé
Colombia 17-25/COL/3/1-2 - Experto/a nº2 en Servicios públicos de empleo y de intermediación laboral documentFermé
Peru18-06/PER/1 - 2 Especialistas en Orientación profesional, Formación Profesional, Capacitación Laboral documentFermé
Peru18-07/PER/1 - 2 Especialistas en Políticas de formación profesional y formación dualdocumentFermé
Peru18-08/PER/1 - Especialista en Políticas de capacitación laboral en competencias básicas y transversalesdocumentFermé
Peru 18-08/PER/1 - Psicólogo ocupacional documentFermé
Peru18-09/PER/1 - 2 Especialistas en diseño de instrumentos de evaluación y monitoreo de políticas de formación profesional documentFermé
Gabon19-05/GAB/1 - Expert/e en Sécurité sociale en matière d’accidents de travail et maladies professionnellesdocumentFermé
Gabon19-05/GAB/1 - Expert/e en Législation de sécurité socialedocumentFermé
MexicoDiagnostico e disciplina de la seguridad social en MéxicodocumentFermé
JordanSupport to the implementation of the National Social Protection Strategy 2019-25documentFermé
Peru18-23/PER/2 - Experto/a en Servicios públicos de empleo y de intermediación laboral dirigidos a las personas con discapacidaddocumentFermé
Peru18-23/PER/2 - Experto/a en Políticas de empleo y de formación profesional, inserción laboral y cualificaciones y aptitudes de las personas con discapacidaddocumentFermé
Peru18-23/PER/1 - Experto/a en Servicios públicos de empleo y de intermediación laboral dirigidos a las personas con discapacidaddocumentFermé
Peru18-23/PER/1 - Experto/a en Políticas de empleo y de formación profesional, inserción laboral y cualificaciones y aptitudes de las personas con discapacidaddocumentFermé
Mexico18-15/MEX/2 - Jurista de la Seguridad SocialdocumentFermé
Mexico18-15/MEX/2 - Experto/a en Inversión pública en protección socialdocumentFermé
Colombia17-23/COL/3 - Especialista en Servicios públicos de empleo y en intermediación laboral documentFermé
Colombia17-23/COL/3 - Experto/a en estrategia de comunicación y en gestión de políticas de comunicación para los anunciantes y agencias documentFermé
Mexico18-18/MEX/2 - Experto/a en Políticas de Seguridad SocialdocumentFermé
Mexico18-18/MEX/2 - Experto/a en Evaluación de Seguridad SocialdocumentFermé
Lao PDR18-11/LAOS/3 - Expert in management of Health Insurance SchemesdocumentFermé
Lao PDR18-11/LAOS/3 Expert in Change Management in the Health Sector documentFermé
Peru19-01/PER/2 - Experto/a de la seguridad socialdocumentFermé
Peru19-01/PER/2 - Experto/a en microfinanzas y micro segurosdocumentFermé
Peru17-13/PER/3 - Experto/a en Políticas de empleo y de formación profesional, Inserción laboral y cualificaciones y aptitudes requeridas por el mercado de trabajo documentFermé
Peru 17-13/PER/3 - Experto/a en Inserción laboral, cualificaciones y aptitudes requeridas por el mercado de trabajo, diálogo social y formación profesional documentFermé
Tanzania18-30 18-30/TANZ/2 - Specialist in social protection coverage in the informal sectordocumentFermé
Tanzania18-30/TANZ/2 - Social Security ManagerdocumentFermé
Côte d'Ivoire19-09/CIV/1 - Experte/e en Gestion de programmes d’assistance socialedocumentFermé
Côte d'Ivoire19-09/CIV/1 - Expert/e en Administration de programmes d’assistance socialedocumentFermé
Côte d'Ivoire19-11/CIV/1 - Expert/e en Gestion de programmes de sécurité socialedocumentFermé
Côte d'Ivoire19-11/CIV/1 - Expert/e en Politiques de sécurité socialedocumentFermé
Georgia19-07/GEOR/1/1-2 - Experts in Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) (2 experts)documentFermé
Mexico19-08/MEX/1 - Experto/a público en gestión financiera de la protección socialdocumentFermé
Mexico19-08/MEX/1 - Experto/a en organización y funcionamiento de instituciones públicas de pensionesdocumentFermé
Mexico18-20/MEX/2/1 Experto/a en Gestión y desarrollo de recursos humanosdocumentFermé
Mexico18-20/MEX/2/2 Experto/a Análisis de habilidades y capacitación de recursos humanosdocumentFermé
Vietnam17-29/VIET/1/1 Expert in Rights of people with disabilitiesdocumentFermé
Vietnam17-29/VIET/1/2 Expert in Disability policiesdocumentFermé
Vietnam16-13/VIET/1/1 Expert in Social Protection policies documentFermé
Vietnam16-13/VIET/1/2 Expert in Monitoring and Evaluation of Public PoliciesdocumentFermé
Chile18-17/CHIL/1/1 Experto/a en Servicios públicos de empleo y de intermediación laboraldocumentFermé
Chile18-17/CHIL/1/2 Experto/a en Servicios públicos de empleo y de intermediación laboraldocumentFermé
Peru19-01/PER/1/1 Experto/a Seguridad SocialdocumentFermé
Peru 19-01/PER/1/2 Experto/a en microfinanza y micro segurosdocumentFermé
Côte d'Ivoire18-22/COTE/1.1/1 Expert(e) en définition de politiques actives de promotion de l’emploi et d’intermédiation sur le marché du travaildocumentFermé
Côte d'Ivoire18-22/COTE/1.1/2 Expert(e) spécialiste en matière de services « opérationnels » à la population et aux recruteurs sur le marché du travail, spécialisé sur les aspect de genre, et/ou de chômage de longue durée et/ou d’accessibilité au marché du travail pour les personnes en situation de handicap documentFermé
Chile18-16/CHIL/1/1 Experto/a en Sistemas informáticos, tecnologías de la información y comunicación e intermediación laboraldocumentFermé
Chile18-16/CHIL/1/2 Experto/a en Sistemas informáticos, tecnologías de la información y comunicación e intermediación laboraldocumentFermé
Malawi18-02/MLWI/2/1 Expert in Workers Compensations SystemsdocumentFermé
Malawi18-02/MLWI/2/2 Expert in Change Management in the Public SectordocumentFermé
Gabon19-03/GAB/Mexpl/1 Expert de la Sécurité socialedocumentFermé
Gabon19-03/GAB/Mexpl/2 - Expert en coaching et programmation d'actions de coopération internationaledocumentFermé
Tanzania 18-27/ZANZ/2/1 Expert in Management Information Systems development and implementation in complex environments documentFermé
Tanzania18-27/ZANZ/2/2 Expert in monitoring and quality-assurance of social protection MIS schemasdocumentFermé
Gabon17-31/GAB/2/1 Expert informatique dans le domaine du webmaster/ gestion/ hébergement/ sécurisation et d’administration de donnéesdocumentFermé
Gabon17-31/GAB/2/2 Expert en applicatifs et software « métier de conseil à l’emploi » pour les conseillers au service de l’emploidocumentFermé
Burkina Faso18-24/BKN/1/1 Expert spécialisé dans la gestion de projets et les services d’intermédiation et d’orientation sur le marché de l’emploi,– Ingénierie pédagogiquedocumentFermé
Burkina Faso18-24/BKN/1/2 Expert spécialisé dans les services d’intermédiation sur le marché de l’emploi, en particulier de formation professionnelle– Ingénierie pédagogique / formations managérialesdocumentFermé
Panama17-32/PAN/3/1 Experto/a en diseño de programas de reducción de la pobrezadocumentFermé
Panama17-32/PAN/3/2 Experto/a en costeo de programas en el área social documentFermé
Panama17-32/PAN/4/1 Experto/a en micro-simulaciones aplicadas a políticas socialesdocumentFermé
Panama17-32/PAN/4/2 Experto/a en TI con experiencia en micro-simulaciones documentFermé
Mexico16-16/MEX/4/1 Experto/a en coordinación interinstitucional (multinivel)documentFermé
Mexico16-16/MEX/4/2 Experto/a en planificación estratégica, diseño e implementación de políticas públicasdocumentFermé
Mexico18-15/MEX/1/2 Experto/a en Administración de la Seguridad SocialdocumentFermé
Mexico18-15/MEX/1/1 Jurista de la Seguridad SocialdocumentFermé
Togo17-39/TOG/3/1 Economiste de la santédocumentFermé
Togo17-39/TOG/3/2 Expert en renforcement de capacités d’agents publicsdocumentFermé
Colombia17-25/COL/2/1 Experto/a en Servicios públicos de empleo y de intermediación laboraldocumentFermé
Colombia17-25/COL/2/2 Experto/a en Servicios públicos de empleo y de intermediación laboraldocumentFermé
Tanzania18-30/TANZ/1/1 Trainer on occupational safety and social health insurance (HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER)documentFermé
Tanzania18-30/TANZ/1/2 Trainer on Occupational safety and social health insurance (REGIONAL FACILITATOR)documentFermé
Colombia19-02/COL/1/1 Experto/a en políticas de protección social en un contexto urbanodocumentFermé
Colombia19-02/COL/1/2 Experto/a en relaciones públicas e institucionales (enfoque en desarrollo local y asociaciones público-privadas)documentFermé
Lao PDR18-11/LAOS/2/1 Expert in Management of Health Insurance SchemesdocumentFermé
Lao PDR18-11/LAOS/2/2 Expert in Health Insurance Benefits Package DesigndocumentFermé
Cambodia18-04/CAMB/2/1 Expert in Management of Social Protection SystemsdocumentFermé
Cambodia18-04/CAMB/2/2 Expert in Social Protection Financial Governance and AdministrationdocumentFermé
Cambodia18-28/CAMB/1/1 Expert in Management of Pension SchemesdocumentFermé
Cambodia18-28/CAMB/1/2 Expert in Social Protection Financial Governance and AdministrationdocumentFermé
Mexico18-18/MEX/1/1 - Experto/a en Políticas de Seguridad SocialdocumentFermé
Burkina Faso18-21/BKN/1/1 - Expert en statistiques appliquées aux sciences socialesdocumentFermé
Burkina Faso18-21/BKN/1/2 - Expert en planification publique orientée aux résultatsdocumentFermé
Armenia17-38/ARM/4/1 Expert in Change ManagementdocumentFermé
Armenia17-38/ARM/4/2 Expert in Communicating ChangedocumentFermé
Mexico18-20/MEX/1/1 - Experto/a en gestión y desarrollo de Recursos HumanosdocumentFermé
Mexico18-20/MEX/1/2 - Experto/a en Análisis de habilidades y Capacitación de Recursos HumanosdocumentFermé
Mexico18-15/MEX/1/2 - Experto/a en Administración de la Seguridad SocialdocumentFermé
Mexico18-15/MEX/1/1 - Jurista de la Seguridad SocialdocumentFermé
Mexico18-18/MEX/1/1 - Experto/a en Políticas de Seguridad SocialdocumentFermé
Mexico18-18/MEX/1/2 - Experto/a en Evaluación de Seguridad SocialdocumentFermé
Burkina Faso18-21/BKN/1/1 - Expert en statistiques appliquées aux sciences socialesdocumentFermé
Burkina Faso18-21/BKN/1/2 - Expert en planification publique orientée aux résultatsdocumentFermé
Vietnam17-28/VIET/2.2/1 Expert in Human Resources DevelopmentdocumentFermé
Vietnam17-28/VIET/2.2/2 Expert in Quality Assessment documentFermé
PeruExperto/a en Flexibilidad de recursos humanos, gobernanza dentro del servicio público (17-11/PER/01.02/1)documentFermé
PeruExperto/a en Teletrabajo, flexibilidad de recursos humanos, gobernanza dentro de las instituciones públicas (17-11/PER/01.02/2)documentFermé
Zimbabwe17-27/ZIM/3.3/2 - Expert in building institutional and public-private partnershipsdocumentFermé
Zimbabwe17-27/ZIM/3.3/1 - Public Expert in Public HealthdocumentFermé
Lao PDR18-11/LAOS/1/2 - Expert in Quality of Health SystemsdocumentFermé
Zimbabwe 17-27/ZIM/3.3/1 - Public Expert in Public HealthdocumentFermé
Zimbabwe17-27/ZIM/3.3/2 - Expert in building institutional and public-private partnershipsdocumentFermé
Togo17-39/TOG/2/1 - Expert en santé publiquedocumentFermé
Togo7-39/TOG/2/2 - Expert en économie de la santédocumentFermé
Colombia17-26/COL/3.3.sub.1/2 - Experto/a en monitoreo de políticas y programas públicosdocumentFermé
Peru17-12/PER/2/2 - Experto/a del sistema de protección social belgadocumentFermé
Peru17-12/PER/2/1 - Experto/a del sistema de protección social alemándocumentFermé
Peru17-09/PER/2.4/2 - Experto/a en economía verde, economía social, reciclaje y tratamiento de los desechos sólidosdocumentFermé
PanamaExperto/a en Diseño de programas de reducción de la pobrezadocumentFermé
PanamaExperto/a en Monitoreo de programas en el área socialdocumentFermé
Saint LuciaExpert n°1: Public Expert in Public HealthdocumentFermé
Saint LuciaExpert n°2: Trainer on public healthdocumentFermé
PeruExperto/a en economía verde, economía social, reciclaje y tratamiento de los desechos sólidosdocumentFermé
VietnamExpert in Human Resources DevelopmentdocumentFermé
VietnamExpert in Quality AssessmentdocumentFermé
PeruExperto/a en Flexibilidad de recursos humanos, gobernanza dentro del servicio públicodocumentFermé
PeruExperto/a en Teletrabajo, flexibilidad de recursos humanos, gobernanza dentro de las instituciones públicasdocumentFermé
CambodiaExpert in Management of Social Protection SystemsdocumentFermé
CambodiaExpert in Social Protection Financial Governance and AdministrationdocumentFermé
MexicoExpert 2: Experto/a en Planificación estratégica, diseño e implementación de políticas públicas, diseño de indicadores y relación con sistemas de información, planificación y gestión en las administraciones públicas, elaboración e implementación de planes de mejora, administración pública. documentFermé
MexicoExpert 1: Experto/a en Coordinación interinstitucional (multinivel), creación de redes de trabajo colaborativo, coordinación en entornos multi-institucionales, análisis y diseño de organizaciones, diseño y evaluación de políticas públicas (benchmarking, planes de mejora).documentFermé
GabonExpert 2: Expert Applicatifs et software métier pour les conseillers au service de l’emploidocumentFermé
GabonExpert 1: Expert informatique dans le domaine du webmaster/gestion/hébergement/ sécurisation et administration de donnéesdocumentFermé
GabonExpert 2: Expert en architecture informatiquedocumentFermé
GabonExpert 1: Expert public en architecture informatique (chef d’équipe)documentFermé
Guinée ConakryExpert 2: Expert Politiques de l’emploi, services publics de l’emploi et intermédiation sur le marché du travaildocumentFermé
Guinée ConakryExpert 1: Expert Services publics de l’emploi et intermédiation sur le marché du travail, Management au sein d’un service public de l’emploidocumentFermé
MexicoExpert 2: Experto/a en Tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (IT)documentFermé
MexicoExpert 1: Experto/a en Gestión y desarrollo de los conocimientosdocumentFermé
Colombia Expert 2: Experto/a en Relaciones públicas e institucionales (enfoque en desarrollo de asociaciones público-privadas)documentFermé
Colombia Expert 1: Experto/a en Gobernanza territorialdocumentFermé
TogoExpert 2: Expert en conventions et achats des administrations publiquesdocumentFermé
TogoExpert 1: Expert en santé publiquedocumentFermé
ColombiaExpert 2: Experto/a en Servicios públicos de empleo y de intermediación laboraldocumentFermé
ColombiaExpert 1: Experto/a en Servicios públicos de empleo y de intermediación laboraldocumentFermé
ColombiaExpert 2: Experto/a en Servicios públicos de empleo y de intermediación laboraldocumentFermé
Colombia Expert 1: Experto/a en Servicios públicos de empleo y de intermediación laboraldocumentFermé
Colombia Expert 2: Experto/a en Servicios públicos de empleo y de intermediación laboraldocumentFermé
ColombiaExpert 1: Experto/a en Servicios públicos de empleo y de intermediación laboraldocumentFermé
TanzaniaExpert 2: Trainer on management of social security schemesdocumentFermé
TanzaniaExpert 1: Trainer on Occupational safety and social health insurancedocumentFermé
GabonExpert 2: Expert en suivi-évaluationdocumentFermé
GabonExpert 1: Expert formateurdocumentFermé
GabonExpert 2: Expert en analyse de données et formulation d’indicateursdocumentFermé
GabonExpert 1: Expert en systèmes de suivi et évaluationdocumentFermé
Cabo verdeExpert 1: Experto em Saúde e segurança no trabalho (aspetos políticos organizacionais e institucionais)documentFermé
Cabo verdeExpert 2: Experto em Saúde e segurança no trabalho (pesquisa e impacto das doenças e acidentes do trabalho)documentFermé
PanamaExperto 1: Experto en reducción de la pobreza (enfoque políticas públicas)documentFermé
PanamaExperto 2: Experto en reducción de la pobreza (enfoque medición de datos)documentFermé
PeruExperto 1: Experto en Medición del mercado de trabajodocumentFermé
PeruExperto 2: Experto en Medición del mercado de trabajo y seguimiento y evaluación de las políticas /programas de empleodocumentFermé
PeruExperto 1: Experto en Teletrabajo, flexibilidad de recursos humanos, gobernanza dentro del servicio públicodocumentFermé
PeruExperto 2: Experto en Teletrabajo, flexibilidad de recursos humanos, gobernanza dentro del servicio públicodocumentFermé
PeruExperto 1: Experto en Políticas de empleo y de formación profesional, Inserción laboral y cualificaciones y aptitudes requeridas por el mercado de trabajodocumentFermé
PeruExperto 2: Experto en Inserción laboral y cualificaciones y aptitudes requeridas por el mercado de trabajo; Diálogo social y formación profesionaldocumentFermé
PeruExperto 1: Experto en seguridad social (enfoque jurídico y administrativo)documentFermé
PeruExperto 2: Experto en seguridad social (enfoque en políticas y herramientas)documentFermé
MexicoExperto 1: Experto en Sector público de la Administración e Inspección del TrabajodocumentFermé
MexicoExperto 2: Experto en Sector público de la Administración e Inspección del TrabajodocumentFermé
VietnamExpert 1: Public Expert in Social protection policy analysisdocumentFermé
VietnamExpert 2: Public Expert in capacity-buildingdocumentFermé
PeruExperto 1: Experto en Normatividad para la igualdad de género, transversalidad de género en entidades públicas, género y gobernanza, democracia inclusivadocumentFermé
PeruExperto 2: Experto en Políticas públicas para la igualdad de género; igualdad profesional, dispositivos para luchar contra la discriminación salarial y la segregación profesionaldocumentFermé
PeruExperto 1: Experto en Desarrollo de políticas de empleo, desarrollo sostenibledocumentFermé
PeruExperto 2: Experto en economía inclusiva y eco-responsable, desarrollo sostenible, empleos verdes y decentesdocumentFermé
Saint LuciaExpert 1: Public Expert in Public HealthdocumentFermé
Saint LuciaExpert 2: Public Expert in Health FinancingdocumentFermé
Uruguay24-07/URY/2.1&2.2/2 - Expert in Human Resources Management and Development (Skills Development/Training and Training)documentFermé
Uruguay24-07/URY/2.1&2.2/2 - Expert in Human Resources Management and Development (Skills Development/Training and Training)documentFermé
Saint LuciaExpert 2: Trainer on public healthdocumentFermé
Saint LuciaExpert 1: Public Expert in Public HealthdocumentFermé
KOSOVO23-13/KSV/1/1 documentFermé
Kosovo23-13/KSV/1/2 – Expert on change management for disability documentFermé
Georgia19-07/GEO/1/1-2 - Experts in Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) (2 experts)documentFermé
MéxicoDiagnostico e disciplina de la seguridad social en MéxicodocumentFermé
JordanSupport to the implementation of the National Social Protection Strategy 2019-25documentFermé