



days of technical cooperation

days of technical cooperation

List of countries


Labour & Employment

We support countries in their efforts to design and implement labour market strategies and policies, to support institutional, organizational and legal reforms, to improve employment services and vocational training facilities, as well as, to encourage decent and inclusive employment opportunities, including:

Labour dimension: Legal framework, Occupational safety and Health and working conditions, institutional reforms and practices, active labour market policies, formalization of informal employment, eradication of child labour,  decent work, due diligence, social relationships, social dialogue.

  – Employment dimension: public employment services, entrepreneurship, jobs creation, vocational guidance and training, LMI and analysis systems, matching labour demand and labour supply, green jobs, employability of vulnerable groups, youth employment, workers with disabilities, NEETs, gender equity, soft and hard skills development, digitalization of services.

Social Protection

We help partner countries to achieve more equitable, inclusive, efficient and sustainable social protection systems, including:


– Social insurance: Old age, invalidity and survivors pensions, Healthcare, Accidents at work and occupational diseases, unemployment benefits, Maternity, family and household benefits.


Social assistance: Income guarantee schemes, Basic and other social services, Social security for informal workers, Child protection, Disability-inclusive social protection.


We do so by supporting partners in upgrading institutional frameworks, organizational capacities and individual skills. 

